Pushing data of ISKRA MT175 smart meter to openhab. For a connection to the Smart meter you need a USB infrared adapter. There are several adapters on the market (e.g. https://weidmann-elektronik.de/Produkt_IR-Kopf.html) that just need to be pluged in. They are usually detected as a casual serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0)
The python package can be installed from PyPi (https://pypi.org/project/smart-meter-to-openhab/) It as advisable to use the same python version as specfied in the pyproject.toml. Follow the process in install-poetry.sh
- Navigate to the folder where the virtual environment shall be created (e.g. your home dir):
cd ~
- Create virtual environment (this will create a new folder smart_meter_py_env):
python3 -m venv smart_meter_py_env
- Activate the virtual environment
source smart_meter_py_env/bin/activate
- Upgrade pip and setuptools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
- Install smart-meter-to-openhab
pip install smart-meter-to-openhab
- Provide environment variables. You can e.g. pass a .env file to smart-meter-to-openhab via the option --dotenv_path. Or provide them by any other means (e.g. in your ~/.profile).
# Hostname incl. http(s) (required)
#openhab user (or token) for login (optional)
#openhab password for login (optional)
#current consumption openhab item (required)
#other openhab item names (optional)
NOTE: certificate verification is turned off, in case OH_HOST refers to an https address (since most openHAB instances do probably use self-signed certificates)
- Run smart-meter-to-openhab with e.g.
nohup smart_meter_to_openhab --logfile ~/smart_meter.log --verbose &
Create a systemd service by opening the file /etc/systemd/system/smart_meter_to_openhab.service and copy paste the following contents. Replace User/Group/ExecStart accordingly.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -lc "/home/openhab/smart_meter_py_env/bin/smart_meter_to_openhab --logfile /home/openhab/smart_meter.log --verbose"
Now execute the following commands to enable autostart:
sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable smart_meter_to_openhab.service
It is now possible to start, stop, restart and check the status of smart-meter-to-openhab with:
sudo systemctl start smart_meter_to_openhab.service
sudo systemctl stop smart_meter_to_openhab.service
sudo systemctl restart smart_meter_to_openhab.service
sudo systemctl status smart_meter_to_openhab.service
Development is done in wsl2 on ubuntu 22.04. Setting up the development environment on Windows is not supported. But in principal it could be setup as well since no OS specific functionalities are used.
The project is using poetry for managing packaging and resolve dependencies. To install poetry call install-poetry.sh. This will install poetry itself as well as python and the required packages as a virtual environment in .venv. Example settings for development in VS Code are provided in vscode-settings. (Copy them to .vscode folder) Follow these instructions to enable proper linting and type checking.