- The source for the cyberdojo/saver Docker image.
- A docker-containerized micro-service for cyber-dojo.
- An HTTP Ruby Sinatra web service, offering a Group/Kata model+persistence API.
To build the images, bring up the containers, and wait till they are alive and healthy:
$ ./build.sh && ./up.sh && ./wait.sh
To run the tests:
$ ./test.sh --help
Use: ./test.sh [server|client] [ID...]
No options runs all server tests, then all client tests
server run from inside the server container (unit tests)
client run from inside the client container (integration tests)
ID... run only the tests matching the given IDs
-h|--help show this help
- The build.sh script (re)creates docker-compose.yml
- In docker-compose.yml, the source and test dirs are volume-mounted over their image counterparts.
- These overlays keeps the dev-cycle fast by reducing the need to build/up/wait.
- You need to build/up/wait when:
- You change a Dockerfile
- You change a web server's config (there is no auto-reloading)
- POST group_create(ltf_name,exercise_name)
- POST group_create_custom(display_name)
- GET group_exists?(id)
- POST group_join(id,indexes)
- GET group_joined(id)
- GET group_manifest(id)
- POST group_fork(id,index)
- POST kata_create(ltf_name,exercise_name)
- POST kata_create_custom(display_name)
- GET kata_exists?(id)
- GET kata_events(id)
- GET kata_event(id,index)
- GET katas_events(ids,indexes)
- GET kata_manifest(id)
- POST kata_ran_tests(id,index,files,stdout,stderr,status,summary)
- POST kata_predicted_right(id,index,files,stdout,stderr,status,summary)
- POST kata_predicted_wrong(id,index,files,stdout,stderr,status,summary)
- POST kata_reverted(id,index,files,stdout,stderr,status,summary)
- POST kata_checked_out(id,index,files,stdout,stderr,status,summary)
- GET kata_option_get(id,name)
- POST kata_option_set(id,name,value)
- POST kata_fork(id,index)