alternate-asdf-system-connections is a fork of asdf-system-connections that incorporates load-system-driven mechanism for loading dependencies and also loads the dependencies of the connections.
The essence of both asdf-system-connections and alternate-asdf-system-connections is to define a helper system to bridge two or more underlying systems.
Here is a simple example from [metabang-bind][]'s system definition:
(asdf:defsystem-connection bind-and-metatilities
:requires (metabang-bind metatilities-base)
:perform (load-op :after (op c)
(use-package (find-package :metabang-bind)
(find-package :metatilities))))
The requires clause specifies the other systems that must be loaded before this connection will be activated. The rest of the system definition is regular [ASDF][]. alternate-asdf-system-connections will be loaded as soon as the systems they require are all loaded and they will only be loaded once. Before loading a system that uses a system connection, you should load ASDF-System-Connections in the usual manner:
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'alternate-asdf-system-connections)
- 17 March 2024
- A fork alternate-asdf-system-connections is created that autoloads the dependencies of the connections in an appropriate order.
- 24 February 2013
- Updates to make ASC happ(ier) with ASDF; website tweaks
- 19 October 2008
- Website rework -- no fire, just smoke