For creating depthmap axial and segment analysis on maps.
Based on:
The computations are CPU heavy and generally not multi-thread capable. For reference here are some orientational running times so that you can an idea on what kind of analysis timeline to expect:
City, Country | Time in seconds | Time in minutes | Time in hours | Time in Days |
Balchik, Bulgaria | 100 | 1,66666666666667 | 0,02777777777777 | 0,001157407407407 |
Alicante, Spain | 2852 | 47,5333333333333 | 0,79222222222222 | 0,033009259259259 |
Wroclaw, Poland | 16500 | 275 | 4,58333333333333 | 0,190972222222222 |
Medellin, Colombia | 33660 | 561 | 9,35 | 0,389583333333333 |
Montreal, Canada | 46265 | 771,083333333333 | 12,8513888888889 | 0,535474537037038 |
Hamburg, Germany | 106140 | 1769 | 29,4833333333333 | 1,22847222222222 |
Berlin, Germany | 165709 | 2761,81666666667 | 46,0302777777778 | 1,91792824074074 |
Tokyo, Japan | 7898988 | 131649,8 | 2194,16333333333 | 91,4234722222222 |
- The analysis ran on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6900K CPU @ 3.20GHz with 32GB of RAM
DowloadMap : download map from OSM as an ESRI shapefile
ConvertMap : convert the ESRI shapefile to DXF
DXFToGraph: transform DXF to a shape file GRAPH
[*] --> DownloadAndTransform
DownloadAndTransform --> AxialAnalysis
DownloadAndTransform --> SegmentAnalysis
state DownloadAndTransform {
[*] --> DowloadMap
DowloadMap --> ConvertMap
ConvertMap --> DXFToGraph
DXFToGraph --> [*]
state AxialAnalysis {
ShapeToAxial: convert the shape file into an axial map
AnalyseAxial: perform axial analysis
AxialToMIF: export axial analysis to MIF
AxialMIFTOSHAPE: transform the MIF to SHAPE
AxialMIFTOGEOJSON: transform the MIF to GeoJSON
[*] --> ShapeToAxial
ShapeToAxial --> AnalyseAxial
AnalyseAxial --> AxialToMIF
state SegmentAnalysis {
ShapeToSegment: convert the shape file into a segment map
AnalyseSegment: perform segment analysis
SegmentToMIF: export segment analysis to MIF
SegmentMIFTOSHAPE: transform the MIF to SHAPE
SegmentMIFTOGEOJSON: transform the MIF to GeoJSON
[*] --> ShapeToSegment
ShapeToSegment --> AnalyseSegment
AnalyseSegment --> SegmentToMIF
SegmentToMIF --> SegmentMIFTOSHAPE
SegmentMIFTOGEOJSON --> [*]
- download map from OSM as an ESRI shapefile
- convert the ESRI shapefile to DXF
- transform DXF to a shape file GRAPH
- convert the shape file into an axial map
- performing axial analysis
- exporting axial analysis to MIF
- transform the MIF to SHAPE
- transform the MIF to GeoJSON
- convert the shape file into a segment map
- performing segment analysis
- exporting segment analysis to MIF
- transform the MIF to SHAPE
- transform the MIF to GeoJSON