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Open Chat Studio CDK Deploy

This project contains the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stack for deploying the Open Chat Studio infrastructure.

Table of Contents

  1. Architecture Overview
  2. Project Structure
  3. Quickstart
  4. First Time Deployment Steps
  5. Steady State Deployment Steps
  6. Connecting to Running Services
  7. Adding Environment Variables
  8. Other Useful CDK Commands
  9. Troubleshooting

Architecture Overview

The architecture consists of various AWS components:

  • RDS PostgreSQL database
  • Elasticache Redis
  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • ECS Fargate services for the Django application, including:
    • Django web service:
      • Runs two containers: one for executing migrations and another for running the Gunicorn server.
      • The migrations container runs first and the Gunicorn container starts afterward.
      • The service is behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) with a health check target group.
    • Celery worker service
    • Celery beat service

Additional components set up by this project include:

  • VPC with public and private subnets
  • Load balancer for the Django service
  • S3 buckets for media files
  • Certificate Manager certificates for domain management
  • Email identity verification for the domain
  • GitHub Actions roles for the CI/CD pipeline
  • Secrets Manager for storing Django secrets

Project Structure

This section describes the layout of the project:

  • ocs_deploy/cli/*.py: Scripts for deploying CDK stacks and managing secrets.
    • Run ocs -l to see available tasks.
  • cdk.json: Configuration file for the CDK Toolkit.
  • ocs_deploy/: Contains the CDK stack definitions.


This guide assumes you have uv installed.

1. Set Up the Tools

$ uv venv
$ uv pip install -e .
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ ocs -l

2. Create Your Configuration

$ ocs init <env>

Edit the generated .env.{env name} file to set your required configurations.

First Time Deployment Steps


  • You have an AWS account with the necessary permissions and configured SSO.
  • You have the correct AWS profile set:
    export AWS_PROFILE=XXX
  • SSO credentials are configured (aws configure sso).
  • You have permissions to create resources in the account.
  • For new environments, run:
    ocs --env <env> aws.bootstrap

Deployment Steps

  1. Set Up the ECR Repository

    ocs --env <env> aws.deploy -s ecr -v

    Next, push the initial version of the Docker image to the registry:

    export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=xxx \
      && export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 \
      && export OCS_ENV=<env> \
      && export OCS_NAME=<name> \
      && export REGISTRY=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$ \
      && export IMAGE=$REGISTRY/$OCS_NAME-$OCS_ENV-ecr-repo
    docker build . -t "$IMAGE:latest" -f Dockerfile.web
    aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $REGISTRY
    docker push "$IMAGE" --all-tags

    For more details on Docker image pushing, visit the AWS ECR documentation.

  2. Set Up RDS, Redis, and S3

    ocs --env <env> aws.deploy --stacks ec2tmp,rds,redis,s3
  3. Set Up Domains and GitHub Roles

    ocs --env <env> aws.deploy --stacks domains,github
    • Create DNS entries for domain and email domain verification.
    • CNAME records will be provided in the stack output.
  4. Create Necessary Secrets

    ocs --env <env> secrets.create-missing
  5. Set Up the Django Service

    ocs --env <env> aws.deploy --stacks django

Steady State Deployment Steps

After the initial deployment, you can deploy any stack independently. Typically, you will only run the CDK deploy when changing infrastructure. For code deployments, use the GitHub Actions defined in the Open Chat Studio repository.

Connecting to Running Services

To connect to a running service, use the ocs connect command:

ocs --env <env> connect  # Default command is /bin/bash
ocs --env <env> connect --command "python shell"

Adding Environment Variables

Non-Secret Environment Variable

  1. Add the variable to .env.<env> and .env.example.
  2. Update the ocs_deploy.config.OCSConfig class with the new variable.
  3. Update the ocs_deploy/ file to include the variable in the env_dict method.

Deploy the Django service to apply changes:

ocs --env <env> aws.deploy --stacks django

Secret Environment Variable

  1. Add the secret's name to the ocs_deploy/secrets.yml.

  2. Set the secret value:

    ocs --env <env> secrets.set SECRET_NAME SECRET_VALUE

After setting, deploy the Django service to include the new secret:

ocs --env <env> aws.deploy --stack django

Other Useful CDK Commands

  • cdk ls: List all stacks in the app.
  • cdk synth: Emit the synthesized CloudFormation template.
  • cdk deploy: Deploy the stack to your default AWS account/region.
  • cdk diff: Compare the deployed stack with the current state.
  • cdk docs: Open CDK documentation.


Common Issues

  1. AWS Credentials Not Set: Ensure that your AWS credentials are correctly configured and that AWS_PROFILE is set.
  2. Docker Login Issues: If you encounter issues with Docker login, ensure that you are using the correct AWS region and account ID.
  3. Secrets Not Found : If a secret is not found, ensure that it is correctly defined in the secrets.yml file and that it has been created in AWS Secrets Manager.

For more detailed troubleshooting, refer to the AWS CDK documentation.


AWS CDK Deployment Code for Open Chat Studio






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