The Flickshare App is directed for anyone who really has a hard time finding suggestions on what to watch next! The app allows users to create an account and custom lists of movie interests, which may then be used to generated a list of movie suggestions and store them for coming back to it later.
- As a prospective user
- I am landed in the Welcome Page
- I can see the week's top movie suggestions per category
- I can navigate to the Register and Login pages
- I can see more information about a movie
- As a registered user
- I can create and name a list
- I can search for a movie to select for a list
- I can search, edit and delete my list
- I can browse top public lists
- I can see more information about a movie
- As an Admin
- I can see, edit and delete users
- I can see and add movies
- I can see, edit and delete lists
- I can reset user suggestion lists
- Front-End: React.js, CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, API fetch
- Back-End: Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, Knex.js, PostgreSQL, Mocha, Chai, Supertest, Nodemon, Postgrator, Dotenv, JWT, Bcrypt, Morgan, XSS, CORS, Helmet, HTML5, CI scripts
- Development Environment: Vercel, Heroku, DBeaver, Postman
The app's functionality includes:
- Every User
- May create an account
- May browse public suggestion lists
- May read full movie information
- Registered User
- May edit and delete their account
- May create, edit and delete their lists
- May generate suggestions from other lists
- May search for any movie
- Admin
- May see a list of all users
- May create, edit and delete any user
- May see a list of all lists
- May create, edit and delete any list
- May see a list of all users
- Index.js - (stateless)
- App.js - (stateful)
- Header.js - (stateless)
- MainMenu.js - (stateless)
- Register.js - (stateless)
- Login.js - (stateless)
- WelcomePage.js - (stateful)
- Login.js - (stateful)
- Register.js - (stateful)
- Lists.js - (stateful)
- List.js - (stateful)
- Suggestions.js - (stateful)
- Movie.js - (stateful)
- MoviePreview.js - (stateful)
- MovieOptions.js - (stateful)
- MoviePreview.js - (stateful)
- MovieSearch.js - (stateful)
- Admin.js - (stateful)
- Users.js - (stateful)
- User.js - (stateful)
- UserPreview.js - (stateless)
- UserEdit.js - (stateful)
- Error.js - (stateless)
- ErrorBoundary.js - (stateful)
- Footer.js - (stateless)
- App.js - (stateful)
Welcome Page |
Login Page |
Signup Page |
Home Page |
User Page |
User Lists |
User List |
List Edit |
List Page |
Suggestions Page |
Movie Search Page |
This is v1.0 of the app, but future enhancements are expected to include:
- Implementation of movie likes
- Implementation of list likes
- Sending movie-list suggestions
- Copy other user's lists