YTPlayer is an unofficial YouTube client for SailfishOS.
Since YTPlayer uses some extra 3rd party components shipped in git submodules it needs to be cloned with --recursive option. Ex:
- git clone --recursive
- SailfishOS SDK (
- YouTube Data API v3 key & client ID (
- Paste your YouTube Data API v3 key into a file called youtube-data-api-v3.key and place it in the YTPlayer source directory.
- Copy YouTube client ID JSON file into YTPlayer source directory. Rename the file to youtube-client-id.json
- Start the SailfishOS SDK.
- Load file.
- Build and deploy the application to your phone/tablet/emulator.
If translations don't work, try the following:
- Select i486/armv7hl > Release > Deploy as ARM package
- Build > Clean project "harbour-ytplayer"
- Build > Build project "harbour-ytplayer" (or click the hammer icon)
- Build > Deploy project "harbour-ytplayer" (or click the play icon)
If you would like to create a new translation for YTPlayer, this is roughly how it's done:
- Fork the project
- Copy translations/en_GB.ts file to your language (e.g. no.ts for Norwgian)
- Add the new file to translations/translations.pri files TRANSLATIONS section accordingly
- Translate the new file
- Qt Linguist comes with Sailfish Application SDK
- Your generic UTF-8 capable text editor will work, too
- Test the translation
- Commit the changes
- Make a pull request
Or you can avoid forking by just creating a new issue and attach the new translated .ts file in the issue.