released this
05 Jan 13:01
New features
improve mosquitto settings
fix Chirpstack global bug on channels allocation for au915-2
extends the channels to 8 for as923-3
Admin messages supports more than 256 chars now
Improve route resync progression traces
Better management of the late packets
Unvalidate session token immediately for banned users.
Improve the email pattern verification to accept + symbol
Better route cleaning after tenant removal
Rearchictectured Event listener for better performance and scalability
Do not try to activate a device imported from a different OUI
Improved translations
In certain condition it was possible to have multiple registration entries for a single user
Configuration file impact
upgrade procedure from 1.6.1
git pull community
git pull community main
git checkout V1.7.1
build back & front make build
update the /helium/configuration/helium/
with the change in template
update the /helium/configuration/chirpstack/chirpstack.toml
with the changes in template
update the /helium/configuration/chirpstack/region_au915_2.toml
with changes in template
update the /helium/configuration/chirpstack/region_as923_3.toml
with changes in template
update the /helium/configuration/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
with changes in template
when having forwarder
update git pull
in forwarder repo
make update-nodes
make sure containers are up-to-date docker compose pull --ignore-pull-failures
restart containers with docker compose stop
then docker compose up -d
, this will stop the communications and some packets will be lost
check restart is working good docker logs -f helium-helium-1
reload the chirpstack dashboard on grafana from github raw file - Create new Dashboard - Import - copy/paste json - change name & Id
Post upgrade patch deployment
git pull community
git checkout V7.1.1
make back
restart containers with docker compose up -d
Known issues
You can’t perform that action at this time.