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Artifex is a platform designed for managing digital art collections and museum events. It provides tools for artists, curators, and collectors to organize artworks, collaborate, and showcase collections. Key features include user management, artwork reviews, secure transactions, and detailed analytics to track engagement.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


MERN Application & Authentication with JWT

NOTE : This documentation presents an overview of Artifex webApp with an authentication (Auth) module and its associated screens.

This is an app for a MERN stack application with authentication. This is for a SPA (Single Page Application) workflow that uses the Vite Build tool.

App Screens :

It includes the following:

  • Backend API with Express & MongoDB
  • Routes for login, logout, signup, profile, settings (update profile) , ...
  • JWT authentication stored in HTTP-only cookie
  • Protected routes and endpoints
  • Custom middleware to check JSON web token and store in cookie
  • State Management using Redux
  • Payment Integration with Flousi for handling subscriptions and payments
  • Managing Backend and Frontend Links using mutations
  • Custom error middleware
  • React Toastify notifications
  • React frontend to register, login, logout, view profile, update profile and others screens
  • custom component for login and sign up design

API Endpoints

User Authentication

POST /api/user/signup - Register a new user
POST /api/user/auth - Authenticate user and generate token
POST /api/user/logout - Logout user and clear cookie
GET /api/user/getUser - Get user profile
PUT /api/user/settings - Update user profile

Artist Management

POST /api/artist/openOrder - Open an order for an artist
PATCH /api/artist/socialMedia - Update artist social media
GET /api/artist/
- Get artist by ID

Artwork Management

POST /api/artwork/addArtwork - Add new artwork
GET /api/artwork/getArtworks - Get all artworks
GET /api/artwork/getExclusiveArtworks - Get exclusive artworks

Saved Artworks

GET /api/liked/saved/getSavedArtworks - Get all saved artworks by a user
POST /api/liked/saved/saveArtwork - Save an artwork
DELETE /api/liked/saved/unsaveArtwork - Unsave an artwork


POST /api/plan/subscribe - Subscribe to a plan
GET /api/plan/plans - Get all available plans
GET /api/plan/history - Get all history plans of an artist
GET /api/plan/activePlan - Get active current plan of an artist


GET /api/order/client - Get orders for a specific client
GET /api/order/artist - Get orders for a specific artist
POST /api/order/new - Make a new order by client to an artist
PUT /api/order/accept - Accept order of a client
PUT /api/order/reject - Reject order of a client
PATCH /api/order/submit - Submit work of an artist to order


GET /api/review/artwork/
- Get reviews by artwork ID
PATCH /api/review/addComment - Add a comment to a review or update it
PATCH /api/review/updateView - Save the view of a client for an artwork
DELETE /api/review/deleteComment - Delete a comment from a review


GET /api/report/review/reports - Get reported reviews
GET /api/report/artwork/reports - Get reported artworks
GET /api/report/getReviewsReportsByClass - Get reported reviews by class
GET /api/report/getArtworksReportsByClass - Get reported artworks by class
POST /api/report/reportComment - Report a comment in a review
POST /api/report/reportArtwork - Report an artwork


GET /api/follow/isFollowing - Check if the client is following the given artist
POST /api/follow/followArtist/
- Follow an artist
DELETE /api/follow/unfollowArtist/
- Unfollow an artist
GET /api/follow/followers - Get followers of an artist
GET /api/follow/FollowedArtists - Get followed artists by a client


POST /api/categories - Add a new category
GET /api/categories/
- Get category name by ID


POST /api/museum/create - Create a museum
GET /api/museum - Get all museums
POST /api/museum/artistJoin - Artist joins a museum
POST /api/museum/clientJoin - Client joins a museum
PATCH /api/museum/edit - Edit a museum
POST /api/museum/addExclusiveArtwork - Add new exclusive artwork to museum
POST /api/museum/addArtworks - Add multiple existing artworks to a museum


POST /api/analytics/getArtistAnalytics - Get artist analytics


This project is licensed under the MIT License. © 2024 Artifex All rights reserved


  • Create a MongoDB database and obtain your MongoDB URI - MongoDB Atlas

Change the MongoDB URI with your own from atlas & Change the JWT_SECRET to what you want

Install Dependencies (frontend & backend)

npm install
cd frontend
npm i
cd ..
cd backend
npm i


# Run frontend (:3000) & backend (:5000)
npm start

# Run backend only
npm run server

# Run frontend only
npm run client

Detailed Description :

Artifex is a powerful platform designed to streamline the creation, curation, and management of digital art collections. Whether you're an artist, curator, or collector, Artifex provides robust tools to manage artworks, collaborate with others, and showcase collections. With built-in features for user management, artwork reviews, and analytics, Artifex aims to empower creators while enhancing the discovery and appreciation of art in the digital space.

Key features include:

  • Seamless management of artworks and collections
  • Artist and client collaboration tools
  • Analytics and insights for tracking engagement
  • Advanced user authentication and role-based access
  • Secure transactions for commissions and orders

Artifex also supports museum events, allowing curators and artists to host digital or physical exhibitions. Manage museum schedules, set up exclusive events, and track participation by both artists and attendees. Artifex simplifies the organization of large-scale events, from ticketing and promotion to real-time engagement during exhibitions, making it easier than ever to bring art to a global audience.


Artifex is a platform designed for managing digital art collections and museum events. It provides tools for artists, curators, and collectors to organize artworks, collaborate, and showcase collections. Key features include user management, artwork reviews, secure transactions, and detailed analytics to track engagement.




Code of conduct

Security policy





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Contributors 4
