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Updated restrictions to support the new API format and reformatted th…
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…e output of card banlist history queries
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distributive committed Oct 30, 2023
1 parent 3ca6312 commit 1012666
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Showing 3 changed files with 33 additions and 21 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Sahasrara/Plugins/Netrunner/Type/Restriction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ data Restriction = Restriction
pointLimit :: !(Maybe Int),
banned :: ![Text],
restricted :: ![Text],
universalFactionCost :: !(Map Int [Text]),
universalFactionCost :: !(Map Text Int),
globalPenalty :: ![Text],
points :: !(Map Int [Text]),
points :: !(Map Text Int),
bannedSubtypes :: ![Text]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Sahasrara/Plugins/Netrunner/Utility/Card.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ toPrintings api card = filter ((== code card) . cardCode) $ printings api
-- | @toLatestPrinting@ gets the most recent printing of a card.
-- Assumes they're ordered oldest first
toLatestPrinting :: NrApi -> Card -> Printing
toLatestPrinting api card = last $ toPrintings api card
toLatestPrinting api card = head $ toPrintings api card

-- | @toFaction@ takes a card and attempts to find its faction.
toFaction :: NrApi -> Card -> Faction
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48 changes: 30 additions & 18 deletions src/Sahasrara/Plugins/Netrunner/Utility/Legality.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
-- Description : Handles the representation of card legality in Netrunner.
module Sahasrara.Plugins.Netrunner.Utility.Legality where

import Data.List (nub, nubBy)
import Data.Map (elems, keys)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (groupBy, nub, nubBy, sortBy)
import Data.Map (Map, findWithDefault, keys, lookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, intercalate, toLower)
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,21 +84,15 @@ isRestricted restriction card = elem (Card.code card) $ restricted restriction

-- | @toUniversalFactionCost@ gets a card's universal cost under a restriction.
toUniversalFactionCost :: Restriction -> Card -> Int
toUniversalFactionCost restriction Card {Card.code = code} =
case keys $ Map.filter (code `elem`) $ universalFactionCost restriction of
[] -> 0
(x : _) -> x
toUniversalFactionCost restriction Card {Card.code = code} = findWithDefault 0 code $ universalFactionCost restriction

-- | @hasGlobalPenalty@ determines if a card had a global penalty under a restriction.
hasGlobalPenalty :: Restriction -> Card -> Bool
hasGlobalPenalty restriction card = elem (Card.code card) $ globalPenalty restriction

-- | @toPoints@ gets a card's points under a restriction.
toPoints :: Restriction -> Card -> Int
toPoints restriction Card {Card.code = code} =
case keys $ Map.filter (code `elem`) $ points restriction of
[] -> 0
(x : _) -> x
toPoints restriction Card {Card.code = code} = findWithDefault 0 code $ points restriction

-- | @cycleLegality@ gets the legality of a given cycle under a given snapshot.
cycleLegality :: NrApi -> Snapshot -> CardCycle -> Legality
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,22 +135,41 @@ listRestrictions api format =
-- | @listHistory@ lists each restriction of the given format and the state of
-- the given card under each version.
listHistory :: NrApi -> Format -> Card -> Text
listHistory api format card = intercalate "\n" $ map toText snapshots
listHistory api format card = intercalate "\n" condensed
snapshots :: [Snapshot] -- Doesn't use toRestrictions because we need the snapshots for their card pools
snapshots = reverse $ filter (\s -> restrictionCode s /= Nothing) $ nubBy (\a b -> restrictionCode a == restrictionCode b) $ toSnapshots api format
snapshots = reverse $ filter (\s -> restrictionCode s /= Nothing && toLegality api s card /= Invalid) $ nubBy (\a b -> restrictionCode a == restrictionCode b) $ toSnapshots api format
groups :: [[Snapshot]]
groups = groupBy (\a b -> toLegality api a card == toLegality api b card) snapshots
condensed :: [Text]
condensed = concatMap takeFirstLast groups
takeFirstLast :: [Snapshot] -> [Text]
takeFirstLast xs = if length xs < 4
then toText <$> xs
else [toText $ head xs, formatSkip xs, toText $ last xs]
formatSkip :: [Snapshot] -> Text -- Should never be given a list with fewer than 4 elements
formatSkip [] = "`#ERROR`"
formatSkip (x:xs) = legalityToSymbol (toLegality api x card) <> " _unchanged " <> (T.pack $ show $ length xs - 1) <> " updates_"
toText :: Snapshot -> Text
toText snapshot =
let restriction = fromMaybe defaultRestriction $ toRestriction api snapshot
in legalityToSymbol (toLegality api snapshot card) <> " " <> restriction <> formatActive restriction
in legalityToSymbol (toLegality api snapshot card) <> " " <> formatActive restriction
formatActive :: Restriction -> Text
formatActive r = if isActiveRestriction api format r then " (active)" else ""
formatActive r = if isActiveRestriction api format r
then "**" <> r <> " (active)**"
else r

-- | @affectedCards@ gets all cards affected by a given restriction.
affectedCards :: NrApi -> Restriction -> [Card]
affectedCards api r =
let codes = concat [banned r, restricted r, concat $ reverse $ elems (universalFactionCost r), globalPenalty r, concat $ reverse $ elems (points r)]
in mapMaybe (fromCardCode api) $ nub codes
affectedCards api r = mapMaybe (fromCardCode api) $ nub codes
codes :: [Text]
codes = concat [banned r, restricted r, sortBy (valueOf $ universalFactionCost r) $ keys (universalFactionCost r), globalPenalty r, sortBy (valueOf $ points r) $ keys (points r)]
valueOf :: Map Text Int -> Text -> Text -> Ordering
valueOf mapping a b =
let vA = lookup a mapping
vB = lookup b mapping
in if vA > vB then LT else if vA < vB then GT else EQ

-- | @listAffectedCards@ lists all the cards affected by a restriction.
-- The output is (additional text, corp cards, runner cards).
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