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Data Munging, Exploratory and Statistical Analysis of 174k+ tracks and 10+ audio features of Spotify Data Set with songs released between 1921 and 2021.

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Spotify Musical Data Analysis

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No matter where we are from music connects us all together and is a major part of all our lives and individual expression. It can uplift our mood and inspire us in many ways. With Spotify, we have instant access to tons of music from past 100 years which we can enjoy, share, and discuss with our friends and family. But there is a question we can ask of this vast music database - how has music changed over the past 100 years?

What is Spotify?

Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world.


In this project, we will try to answer some of these questions. With our core question, 'How Has Music Changed Over the past 100 years?', our major focus is on the following issues:

  • How has the volume of music releases (song count) evolved in the past century? What are the unique musical characteristics of that music as measured over time?
  • How did an individual artist’s music evolve over time? Were there musical characteristics that correlated with each other on this evolution?
  • Do patterns discovered in an individual artist also relate to the entire dataset over time? Did the same correlation characteristics evolve in the same way?

Questions and Hypothesis

After the Post Data Analysis, we decided to test, the statistical significance of the following observation using hypothetical testing.

Question1: Is there a statistically significant difference in Number of records released over the decades?

Null Hypothesis - There is no statistically significant relationship between the decades of song release and the number of songs released during that time period.

Alternate Hypothesis - There is a statistically significant relation between the decade of song release and the number of songs released in any time period.

Question2: Is there a correlation between the "Speechiness" and "Energy" of Rolling Stones songs over time?

Null Hypothesis - There is no correlation between levels of speechiness vs energy in Rolling Stones songs.

Alternate Hypothesis - There is a significant impact of speechiness over energy in Rolling Stones songs - they travel similar paths.

Question3: Are Energy and Speechiness patterns in music correlated when looking at all songs released?¶

Null Hypothesis - There is no correlation between levels of speechiness vs energy in all songs.

Alternate Hypothesis - There is a no significant impact of speechiness over energy in all songs - they travel similar paths.

Setting the Significance Level (α)

We would like our significance level to be set at 0.05. This means that there is a 5% chance that we can accept our alternative hypothesis when our null hypothesis is actually true. Our conclusions about the hypothesis are based on the p-value.

Drawing a Conclusion

  • P-value <= significance level (α) => Reject null hypothesis in favor of alternative hypothesis. Result is statistically significant.
  • P-value > significance level (α) => Fail to reject null hypothesis. Result is not statistically significant.


We will be employing several techniques using Pandas, matplotlib, seaborn in Jupyter Notebooks to clean, filter, group data and plot to provide the opportunity for meaningful measurements and insights. For each question, statistical analysis will be applied using Chi Square and Regression techniques.

Data Cleaning and formatting

Data Set

To answer the above questions, we will be working with a Spotify dataset containing over 174,000 songs extracted from Kaggle , which has been authored by Yamac Eren Ay and was collected using Spotify Web API. This dataset provides information on unique audio characteristics, artists, album, date released, popularity, etc. for various songs.

Steps Taken for data cleaning�

  • import pandas library
  • Read downloaded raw csv file from resources folder and load into a dataframe using pandas pd.read_csv(file_path) function.
  • Display dataframe to understand and explore for further cleaning.
  • Identifying total rows (songs)and columns (audio characteristics)


  • Understanding and Exploring Audio Characteristics:
    • Feature Description: Explains how they are measured and what they mean:

Audio Features

  • Finding interesting insights while exploring the data,

  • Data Filtering - Keeping features that are within the interest of our Analysis.

    • To answer our core question and hypothesis, we decided to remove unwanted columns from the dataset and keep following columns,

      • 'year', 'artists', 'acousticness', 'danceability', 'energy', 'instrumentalness', 'loudness', 'popularity', 'speechiness', 'valence'

Data set with filtered columns

  • From the above dataset, we can see that data needs further cleanup
    • Removing special characters from the artists column

      • Remove special characters from the column 'artist' using lstrip , rstrip and str.replace functions.
    • We may also need to parse data types,

      • Since all the features in interest have expected dtypes, no columns need any datatype conversion.
    • drop Null values,

      • Accounting for Null values if any using dropna(how='any')function.
      • None of the rows were dropped so, dataframe has __no Null values.__�

Basic statistical analysis of the data,*

Basic Stat Analysis

- Interesting findings:
     No. of releases :1,74,389 
     Start year : 1920             
     End Year : 2021
     Possible Outliers : Other than instrumentalness , all other columns seems to have data uniformly 
     distributed. Since we will be further analyzing the later to test our hypothesis, we decided not to 
     exclude outliers.

From the table , we can see that there are records with loudness greater than zero. According to Spotify developers site, range is between -60 to 0 db .This could be an error so we need to remove these records by selecting df[loudness]< 0.

- Total rows after filtering loudness,

CleanDf Rows

Final Cleaned Data Set:

Clean Data Set

  • Saving File for further Analysis,
    • Using pandas df.to_csv(out_path , index=False , encoding="utf-8") , cleaned Spotify data has been saved in Output_data folder.

Interesting Insights during data cleanup

  • This data is simply a sample of tracks released in those 100 years and not a complete set.
  • According to Spotify developers site, the popularity is calculated by an algorithm and is based on the total number of downloads and plays the track has had and how recent those plays are. While this is accurate for newer tracks, could be a bias on older tracks.
  • Valance describes the mood of the singer. It would be interesting to know that it was measured based on loudness. Louder the song, happier and cheerful it is.
  • Not all the features are measured in the range 0-1 . ex: To plot the trending of loudness with other features over time, we would have to normalize the units to fit the scale.
  • As per Wikipedia, Acoustic music is music that solely or primarily uses instruments that produce sound through acoustic means, as opposed to electric or electronic means.
  • As per Spotify developer site, high instrumentalness, austicness and speechiness are considered
    boring and they seem to affecting the popularity of songs.

Data Analysis and Visualization

To Analyze and visualize the data we have imported following Libraries,

  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • import numpy as np
  • import pandas as pd
  • import scipy.stats as stats
  • import seaborn as sn
  • from scipy.stats import linregress

Note : Use "!pip install seaborn" if not installed on device.

Answering our Core Question and Statistically Analyzing our hypothesis:

We decided to let the data speak to us before asking our 1st hypothetical question

  • Analysis by separating song releases by decade :

    • We decided to plot number of record releases in each decade by creating bins for decades and counting total songs by artists by decade.
    • Generates a grouped dataframe to see how average music characteristics trend over the decades.
  • Visualization:

    • Song releases by decade in bar graph format.
    • The different musical characteristics plotted by decade via line graph.

Music Change Over Time

Based on the above analysis, we decided to ask our first question and build its null Hypothesis,

Question1: Is there a statistically significant difference in Number of records released over the decades?¶

Null Hypothesis - There is no statistically significant relationship between the decades of song release and the number of songs released during that time period.

Statistical Significance Test:

Since we have decade as categorical data , chi square test was the best statistical measure to test our hypothesis.

Results :

  1. Since the chi-square value of 15,225.82 at a confidence level of 95% exceeds the critical value of 16.91, we conclude that the differences of number of records released per decade is statistically significant.
  2. P-value 0.00, is less than the significance level of α=0.05, we would reject our null hypothesis that two characteristics are not correlated.

Conclusion :

  1. There is a significant evidence to conclude that there is a significant difference in records released over the decades.
  2. It is quite obvious given that 100 years ago the technology needed to record and publish music would have been rare and exotic compared to today!

Continuing to shift through the data: How has Rolling Stones Music Style Evolve Over Time?

  • Analysis by Filtering out songs released by 'The Rolling Stones' :

    • We decided to plot number of record releases in each decade by ''The Rolling Stones' by counting total songs by artist by decade.
    • Also, generates a grouped dataframe to see how their average music characteristics change over the decades.
  • Visualization:

    • Song releases by decade in bar graph format.
    • The different musical characteristics plotted by decade via line graph.

The Rolling Stones plot

Based on the above analysis, We decided to ask our 2nd hypothetical question and prove or disapprove its null hypothesis,

Question2: Is there a correlation between the "Speechiness" and "Energy" of Rolling Stones songs over time?

Null Hypothesis - There is no correlation between levels of speechiness vs energy in Rolling Stones songs.

Statistical Significance Test:

  • Identify the impact of various audio characteristics on each other using correlation matrix
    • Create correlation matrix using pandas .corr() and Seaborn heatmap functions.


  • Since hypothetical analysis involves testing the significance of the Correlation Coefficient, Linear regression model is a best fit to test our 'Null Hypothesis'.

    • Generate regression plot of Rolling Stones data using matplotlib.pyplot .plt function.
    • Calculate slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue and calculate and plot regression line equation.



  1. Linear Regression model shows a positive correlation between the two musical characteristics of Rolling Stones songs - speechiness and energy.
  2. R value 0.48 shows that 48% of data is accounted for and there is a moderate correlation between the two.
  3. P-value 0.13, we would reject our null hypothesis stating there is no significant impact of speechiness over energy. This means the two patterns are likely to travel together in Rolling Stones music.

Conclusion :

  1. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a significant linear relationship between the two musical characteristics of Rolling Stones songs -speechiness and energy, as proved by the above statistical analysis model.

  2. This could be using in future analysis on how these two features may affect their song popularity.

If speechiness and energy are related in Rolling Stones songs, is the same pattern true of all songs in the data?

Based on the above analysis, we would like to ask our third question,

Question3: Are Energy and Speechiness patterns in music correlated when looking at all songs released?¶

Null Hypothesis - There is no correlation between levels of speechiness vs energy in all songs.

Statistical Significance Test:

  • Identify the impact of various audio characteristics on each other using correlation matrix
    • Create correlation matrix using pandas .corr() and Seaborn heatmap functions.


  • Since hypothetical analysis again involves testing the significance of the Correlation Coefficient, Linear regression model will be used to test our 'Null Hypothesis'.

    • Generate regression plot of using matplotlib.pyplot .plt function.
    • Calculate slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue and calculate and plot regression line equation.


Results :

  1. p value 0.02, less than the significance level of α=0.05, shows that there is a statistically significant relationship between the two audio features.
  2. r value 0.45 shows that 45% of the data is accounted for and there is a moderate relationship between the two variables.

Conclusion :

  1. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a significant linear relationship between the two musical characteristics -speechiness and energy, as proved by the above statistical analysis model.
  2. In our measure of all music releases, as Energy increases Speechiness decreases. This is the exact opposite pattern we saw in our previous measure of Rolling Stones songs only.

Overall Summery of 'How has music changed over the past 100 years?'

After data cleanup and filtering, we expect to provide overview analysis and visual plots of the questions stated above. Has the volume count of music released stayed statistically consistent? Are there certain musical characteristics that stand out in their propensity to travel up or down together? For a single artist? For the entire dataset?

  • There is no significant difference in Number of records released over the time which is obvious given that 100 years ago the technology needed to record and publish music would have been rare and exotic compared to today!
  • Acoustic is long gone! Graph shows a steep decline in Acoustics after the 1960s which could be because most music nowadays use electronic means rather than acoustic means.
  • After 1960, we can see that music makers brought more energy to the songs.
  • From the plot and correlation matrix , it is evident that Energy and danceability go hand in hand with the correlation ecoefficiency of 0.54.
  • From the correlation matrix its also evident that instrumentalness and speechiness are positively correlated and remained low for many decades while Energy and danceability are on the rise . This could explain why popularity is judged by its energy, danceability and loudness. (According to Spotify’s recommendation algorithm, most popular songs have energy, danceability and loudness and moderate valance.)
  • From the linear model we proved that there is an inverse relationship between Energy and Speechiness and from the audio characteristics graph we see that Speechiness remained low after 1960s which could also be impacting current music popularity.

Future Research and analysis ,

There are few additional questions that came up while performing exploratory analysis. Time permitted, we would perform following analysis on,

  1. How does some of the audio characteristic impact popularity?
  2. Who makes the most “Danceable” music? Identify top 10 danceable songs by artist.

Technologies and Tools

  • Git bash
  • Jupiter Notebook
  • MS PowerPoint

Python Modules and libraries

  • pandas
  • scipy
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • numpy
  • Seaborn


  1. Download Spotify Cleaned data set.
  2. Open Spotify analysis file in jupyter notebook.
  3. Make sure to !pip install seaborn if not installed on your device.
  4. Execute the code to analyze, plot and check the results and conclusions.



Project Complete




Data Munging, Exploratory and Statistical Analysis of 174k+ tracks and 10+ audio features of Spotify Data Set with songs released between 1921 and 2021.






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