Your business has employees working out on the computer device, so you need to keep in touch with them. While your employees are supposed to perform only work tasks, they could be wasting valuable company time surfing social media sites or leaking sensitive company information. You need a way to protect your company from these costly activities.
The solution is Desktop Spy employee monitoring software for each computer device. This advanced program is installed onto the employee computer device to log activities such as live screenshots and more. The employee monitoring software then share the information to your private viewing computer that you can access on network sharing folder.
So improve your bottom line and protect your company using Desktop Spy project. When you use Desktop Spy software you will be able to view employee desktop activities such as:
Take live screenshots
Instant chatting module for you with each employees
Learned Modules:
- sockets
- os
- winshell
- win32net
- win32netcon
- pyautogui
- _thread
- tkinter and more detailed in other python modules.
Used Important topics in this project:
- Socket Theory, Windows Network API, Threading, OS dependent functionality.
Language Used - Python
IDE - PyCharm
GUI toolkit - tkinter
IMP note: Your computer devices needs to connect direct or indirect with each employees devices using Ethernet cable, WiFi-hotspot or router device.
IMP Notes at time of Installation:
- Please update 'server_id.txt' file (with your server IPv4 address) before battle with sockets.
- Turn Off password protected sharing, Turn On public folder sharing in Network and Sharing Center settings
Install 'client_setup_v01.exe' in client computer device. and update 'server_id.txt' with server IP address like ''(SERVER PC IP ADDRESS).
Install 'server_setup_v01.exe' in server computer device and Run.
Enjoy your day... Thank you. @divyesh599