A web application that uses the Python Spotipy API client with the Spotify Web API to allow users to search for music by artists, songs, or albums and review them. The YouTube Data API is also used to obtain music videos of songs.
URL for this project: https://reviewtunez.herokuapp.com/
Functional requirements completed:
- User can search for a song by title or popularity index and access info, preview, and stream the song.
- User can search for an album by title or popularity index and access info, preview, and stream the album.
- User can search for an artist by title or popularity index and access the artist's info, listen to the artist's top songs, and view all of the artist's albums.
- User can rate and enter a custom review for any individual album, song, or artist.
- User can access suggested songs for them based on what they reviewed.
Extra features (updated every now and then):
- User can access music video for every song.
- User can access lyrics for many songs.
- User can search for music video or lyrics of any song.