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Person Detection with Raspberry Pi and Coral Edge-TPU for my master thesis


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Detecting people in the traffic to prevent collisions

Using a Raspberry Pi and Coral edge TPU with object detection models from


What the system does:

  • person in the video? -> light up yellow
  • other object in the video? -> light up green
  • nothing to detect? -> no reason for flashing the LED

Getting Started:

See the getting-started guide

First wire up your LEDs for detection. In this example, i have connected the (+) of the yellow LED to GPIO-pin 8 and the (+) green LED to GPIO-pin 10. Then i connected both LEDs to a 220 Ohm resistor and connect the resistor to the GPIO GND pin. You can test if your LEDs are correctly wired up by running python3 (after cloning the repository)

Now try to start it

  • cd into the cloned object_detection directory
  • python3
  • optional arguments:
    • "-m" for the model path, the Mobilenet_SSD_V2 model (in this Repository) is default configured. Tested with mobilenet_ssd_v1_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite too.
    • "-l" for the path to the labels. Also default label.txt configured.
    • "-c" for the confidence factor used by the object detection model. Default value is 0.3 but you will get some false-positive reactions.
    • "-o" for the label of the objects of interest. Default is only the person. If you want to detect for example cars and persons, set -o {0, 2}
    • "-d" to set the display output. Useful if you have no screen, problem is, you can't see false recognitions. Default is True, maybe this is not that conventional. TODO for me maybe 😅
    • "-v" to get more verbose logging
    • "-pc" is some additional playground stuff. You can set it to 0, 1, 2, 3 (default). If you set -pc 2, than all frames with more than 2 persons will be stored in "./images/". Be careful, this can easy fill up your storage. Probably you need to mkdir images first. Some code-feature for later, maybe...:hourglass:
    • "-cf" is the camera-flip to turn around the caputred image. The object detection will work upside-down too but showing it on screen looks better right-side up. 🤘

Personal targets:

  • get some basic knowledge about object detection
  • measure the performance of tflite object detection with Raspberry Pi and edge TPU

Example with -pc 2

Video source:

Gif created by the saved frames :wrench: framerate decreases while capturing the frames...

detecting persons

🎥 Screencast video will come soon, maybe...


Person Detection with Raspberry Pi and Coral Edge-TPU for my master thesis








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