Terminal 1 nodemon server.js
Terminal 2 psql from the PostgreSql desktop app
Create a new database
Delete a database
'DROP DATABASE db_name;'
Show a list of databases
'\list or \l'
Use a database
'\connect db_name or \c db_name'
Show a list of tables
Describe a table
'\d+ "db_name"'
To get all items
Use Postman
Create new product
- Add in your models in the server/models/ folder
- Follow examples in folder for help
- Add in routes in your server/server.js file
- Follow examples in the file for help
- Modify package.json to inclue db of your choice
- Add in database names to the config/config.json file
- Build front end using framework of your choice
- Separate express routers and database calls
- Start database server
- nodemon server.js