Thanks to the emergence of large-scale datasets and the improvement of hardware computing capabilities, deep learning technology has been widely applied in various fields. However, as deep learning applications become more popular, the insecurity of deep learning models gradually becomes apparent, making adversarial samples a highly concerned area. The structure of the dataset itself is the basis for any deep model to learn discriminative features and is also the main basis for constructing adversarial samples. Inspired by this, we attempt to extract position-related anomalies from internal features of datasets and construct adversarial samples based on frequency laws. Our method limits the number and amplitude of attack perturbations by controlling L0 and Linf perturbations to achieve sparse attacks. Our method uses feature extraction and principal component analysis methods to reduce dimensions for each coordinate in a dataset, using unsupervised algorithms to search for sensitive point coordinates in a dataset. Then we generate adversarial samples by destroying high-frequency information at sensitive points based on frequency theory. We conducted extensive experiments on image and time-series datasets, which demonstrate that our approach is effective.
The data used in this project comes from the MNIST and FASHION-MNIST
All python packages needed are listed in pip-requirements.txt file and can be installed simply using the pip command.
- torch : 2.0.0
- numpy : 1.24.2
- pandas : 1.5.3
- scipy : 1.9.1
- tqdm : 4.65.0
- tsfel : 0.1.5
- torchsummary : 1.5.1
- yacs : 0.1.8
Note that we copied some of the code from the adversarial-attacks-pytorch and modified it to adapt it
To get dataset run first.
Select config files from configs in
config = get_config('configs/configFashionMNIST.yaml')
Traing target model
python train
Test the metric of target model
python test
Generate sensitive points
python sp
Attack on sensitive points
python attack
Attack on original dataset by differential evolution
python DE
Automatically test the attack success rate of this method under various parameters, You can customize these parameters in or configs
python auto
Yuyao Ge is currently studying computer science and technology as an undergraduate at North China University of Technology, with a research focus on adversarial attacks and deep learning.