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Neural network for learning binary classification of images with a focus on Mila, the dog


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Is it Mila?

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A small project to answer the question: does this photo have Mila in it?

But it can also be used for more general image classification -- just don't expect too much :-)



Perhaps create a virtual environment, then:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Secrets (optional)

Rename to, put in the correct credentials and run it:


The command-line interface (CLI)

In general, most tasks for is-mila can be performed with the CLI tool. To explore the options:

python -m mila.cli -h

Some of the commands will be mentioned explicitly in the following sections.

Prepare photo/image data

You can either use your own photos/images, or download some using the Flickr API. See the options below.

Bring your own photos

If you have a bunch of images you want to classify (e.g. the MNIST images), create the directory images/all and put the images in sub-directories that correspond to a single image category. For example, if you have cats and dogs photos, organize them like this:

└── images
    └── all
        ├── cat
        |   ├── cat1.jpg
        |   └── cat2.jpg
        └── dog
            ├── dog1.jpg
            └── dog2.jpg

Download from Flickr

The following command downloads photos from Flickr for the given user and splits the photos in two groups based on the given tag:

python -m mila.cli prepare flickr --user hej --tags mila

After running the above command, two directories will be created, one containing photos with the tag "mila" and one containing photos that are "not mila" or "everything else" essentially:

└─ images
   └── all
       ├── mila
       └── not_mila

Multiple tags separates by comma will result in multiple category directories:

python -m mila.cli prepare flickr --user hej --tags cat,dog
└── images
    └── all
        ├── cat
        └── dog

Prepare train and evaluation photo sets

After running the image preparation commands, the following command will create a random train/validation split:

python -m mila.cli prepare traindata

Use the --equalsplits flag if you want each category to have the same number of samples.

Train the network

The train subcommand is used for training on the prepared image data.

For example, to train a very simple network, simply run:

python -m mila.cli train simple

Using the default CLI parameters, this will create a trained model at ./output/simple/model.h5. The model will be quite bad at predicting stuff, but the command should be very fast to run :-)

For a slightly nicer model, perhaps increase the image size and the number of epochs that it runs for:

python -m ismila.cli train simple --epochs 100 --imagesize 256,256

Training on GPU

Follow Tensorflow instructions to use nvidia-docker. Then

docker build -f Dockerfile-gpu -t ismila-gpu .
docker run --rm -it --gpus all -v $PWD:/tf/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) ismila-gpu bash

Then run training commands as usual.

Make predictions

After training a network, make predictions on images like this:

python -m mila.cli predict images/myimage.jpg output/simple

This will print the classification of myimage.jpg for the model stored in the directory output/simple.

Evaluate the model

A simple evaluation function is included that will output a classification report and a confusion matrix. Assuming we have a model in the location ./output/simple:

python -m mila.cli evaluate output/simple

The evaluation function will use data from the images/all directory by default, but it can be changed with the --imagedir flag.

Deploy the model

Besides making predictions from the command-line, is-mila contains a small API server that can host the prediction, as well as a simple test page for trying out new photos.

Start the server:

python -m

This will start a webserver on port 8000. If you have a model called simple, you can see it at http://localhost:8000/model/simple

Using Docker

Docker is cool. The included Dockerfile will prepare a Docker image with all currently trained models, if they are located in the default model output location (./output/*).

For example, to deploy the models to a Heroku app (after following their general instructions):

heroku container:push web

That's it! The web-server includes CORS headers by default, so you can access the API from anywhere.



python -m pytest --cov=mila tests/

Explore models

Using quiver, you can explore the layers of the trained model in your browser:

python -m mila.cli explore ./path/to/image_dir ./path/to/model_dir


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