Actorish4j is a minimalistic library that provides asynchronous (non-blocking), actorlike entities and tries to implement these entities in the most Java-friendly way.
Due to its simplicity and tight integration with Java 8 CompletableFuture/CompletionStage and Queue API, Actorish4j may be the better choice than some bloated Actor frameworks. If you are not interested in supervision hierarchies, actor-based network communication and only need the concurrency part then this library may be the tool for you.
Use JitPack to add dependency in your project:
// gradle build sample
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.dlepex:actorish4j:v0.7.4'
// compile 'org.jctools:jctools-core:2.1.1' // optional dependency,
// Actorish4j may use JCTools MpmcArrayQueue, if it detects its presence
Enqueuer is the most basic and the most useful "actor-like" entity.
Enqueuer implements the multiple-producer single-consumer idiom: anyone can send (offer) a message to the Enqueuer, but only the single consumer can read (poll) the queue. The polling is done asynchronously.
All other actor-like entities in this library are implemented on top of the Enqueuer.
TaskEnqueuer is the Enqueuer which polls and executes async tasks one by one.
TaskEnqueuer can be used as the direct replacement for the single-threaded ExecutorService, in case your tasks are asynchronous computations. Note that this class doesn't follow ExecutorService API deliberately because it can be misused for blocking tasks.
TaskEnqueuer guarantees that:
- Async tasks will be executed in the order of their arrival
- Async tasks will NEVER run concurrently i.e. next AsyncRunnable will wait for the completion of the CompletionStage of the previous AsyncRunnable
Agent implements the specific form of "state sharing pattern" tailored to asynchronous computations (Basically this library itself only useful for non-blocking code)
Agent is a very simple (thin) wrapper around the TaskEnqueuer class.
Agent interface (method naming) is inspired by Elixir Agent module. See
Event-Driven State Machine implementation inspired by Erlang gen_statem (gen_fsm) behaviour in a "state functions mode". In this mode each state has (or better say "is") a corresponding function (StateFunc) that handles events in that state.
This test contains two example of state machines:
The classes below are the examples of applying Actorish4j to the "real world problems".
NettyChannelWritesEnqueuer orders writes to Netty channel and flushes them when it's appropriate to do so.
ExactDateScheduler schedules task execution at specified LocalDateTime. Tasks are executed sequentially one after another, their order is preserved in case of equal begin dates