A working and least effort (in my eyes) solution for formatting Python code in Leetcode.
Story: I wanted to create a Python formatter for Leetcode, as it's not a feature and no one has done it before (lack of JS libraries)
Involves a Chrome Extension that adds a hotkey (CTRL-ALT-F) to Leetcode.com. Upon clicking the hotkey, the Chrome Extension will send a POST request to a Flask API hosted on the cloud, with the body being the Python code in the Leetcode.com editor. This Flask API will take the code submitted and return a JSON response containing the formatted code using autopep8
. The Chrome Extension will receive the code and replace the contents of the Leetcode.com editor with the formatted code.
There's also a hotkey (CTRL-SHIFT-E) for clearing the Leetcode.com instantly so you don't see your previous answers.
To my knowledge, there's no easier way to do this for a couple of reasons:
- No JS libraries for formatting Python code.
- Can't run Python code from a Chrome Extension content script, due to CSP and the Chrome Extension runtime environment.
I removed my API URL from the code. My API was hosted on PythonAnywhere for free. You can follow this guide to set up a Flask app in PythonAnywhere: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-host-your-flask-app-on-pythonanywhere-for-free-df8486eb6a42
The Flask API code is here in this repository: python_flask_formatter.py
All the CORS and JSON stuff should be handled for you.
If you have it running and navigate to 'https://YOURSITEURL.pythonanywhere.com/format' you should see:
Once you have this ready, replace const apiUrl = ''
with your API URL (https://YOURSITEURL.pythonanywhere.com/format) in this file: https://github.com/dliu27/LeetcodePythonFormatter/blob/main/LeetcodePythonFormatterExtension/payload/formatScript.js#L35C42-L35C51
- Download this repo as a ZIP and unzip it
- Open Google Chrome and go to
- At the top right, turn on Developer mode
- Click Load unpacked
- Find and select extension folder (LeetcodePythonFormatterExtension, one level above manifest.json)
- Go to leetcode.com, open Developer Tools (CTRL+SHIFT+I) and verify the console says 'Content script loaded.' indicating the Chrome Extension loaded successfully