Models - Schemas
User: Name Email Password Roles AccountStatus
Profile: First Name Last Name Phone No Profile Picture UserId
UserAttendance: UserId CreateAt: DateTime
AdminAttendance: CreatedAt: DateTime Status TimeLimit
Endpoints - Routes
Student Endpoints: POST /auth/login [publicRoute] Post /auth/register [publicRoute] PATCH /profiles [privateRoute] PATCH /profiles/avatar [privateRoute] Put /auth/change-password [privateRoute] GET /timesheet [private] GET /attendance [private] GET /attendanceStatus [private]
Admin Endpoints: GET /users [private] POST /users [private] PATCH /users/userId [private] DELETE /users/userId [private] GET /users/userId [private] GET /profiles [private] POST /profiles [private] PATCH /profiles/profileId [private] DELETE /profiles/profileId [private] GET /profiles/profileId [private] GET /timesheet/userId [private] GET /attendance/enable [private] GET /attendance/disabled/:attendanceId [private] GET /timesheet/status [private]
Authentication Routes
Timesheet & Attendance
GET /timesheet
GET /attendance
GET /attendanceStatus
Get User
Get User By Id
Create User
Update User
Delete User
Profile CRUD
Get Profile
Get Prifle By Id
Create Profile
Update Profile
Delete Profile
GET /timesheet/userId
Admin Control Over Attendance
POST /attendance/enable
GET /attendance/disabled/:attendanceId
Generate Status
GET /timesheet/status
Registration Process (Pseudo Code):
name = input()
email = input()
password = input()
if name && email && password is invalid:
return 404 error
user = find user with email
if user found:
return 404 error
hash = hash password
user = save new user with name, email, hash
return 202
Login Process:
email = input()
password = input()
user = find user with email
if user not found:
return 400 error
if password not equal to user hash:
return 400 error
token = generate token using user
return token
Change/reset Password:
new-password = input()
old-password = input()
if old-password not equal to user hash password:
return 400 error
else hash = hash new-password
save hash
return 200