A simple TypeScript + Discord.js template so you can start making your Discord bot with ease. It does all the preliminary setup for you, so you basically only need to create the bot and hit start to get it running! This template is intended for those who just want to make a basic bot or need the flexibility to customize it to their needs.
(Looking for something more advanced, batteries-included? Check out Discord-Bot-TypeScript-Template.)
If you haven't already, read the Discord.js Guide. It does a good job of demonstrating what you can do with Discord.js.
1. Create a new Discord bot with at least the following scopes and permissions. You can do this in the installation tab of the Discord Developer Portal. Afterwards, you can install the bot in your server.
git clone https://github.com/dlustre/discordjs-typescript-template.git
3. Create a .env
file in the root of the project and add your bot token and client ID. Your bot token and client ID can be found in the Discord Developer Portal and navigating to the "Bot" tab and the "OAuth2" tab.
# .env
TOKEN=<your bot token>
CLIENT_ID=<your client ID>
npm install
pnpm install
yarn install
npm start
pnpm start
yarn start
The bot comes with a few commands to get you started. You can add your own commands within the commands
If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to contribute!