This is simple webpack 4 starter with scss enabled. I created it to test application of redux custom middleware. The custom middleware is in store folder middleware.js. The app uses 3 custom middlewares where one function returnes a promise. Custom middleware will intercept "ADD_PERSON" action and after async function is resolved will pass it to next middleware which will change action type from ADD_PERSON to PERSADD_PERSON_OK or ADD_PERSON_ERR.
Just run npm install
and all libs mentioned below will be installed.
# 1. install webpack
npm i webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server -D
# 2. install react dom
npm i react react-dom --save
# 3. install babel loaders
npm i babel-cli babel-loader babel-preset-react babel-preset-stage-2 -D
# 4. install scss/css loaders
npm i node-sass sass-loader css-loader mini-css-extract-plugin -D
# 5. install post css loader, autoprefixer
npm i postcss-loader autoprefixer -D
# 6. install other webpack util plugins
npm i html-webpack-plugin copy-webpack-plugin uglifyjs-webpack-plugin clean-webpack-plugin -D
# 7. install testing suite Jest & Enzyme
npm i -D jest babel-jest babel-preset-env enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
# 8. install redux
npm i -S redux react-redux
npm start:
start webpack in watch mode passing dev environment (--env=dev).npm run dev:
start webpack-dev-server using dev environment (--env=dev)npm run build-dev:
Build development version.npm run build-prod:
Build production version to dist folder. Note that previous build will be removed first.npm test
: to run tests with Jest & Enzyme
Webpack configuration is stored in webpack folder. Initially 2 separate def files are created. Based on --env parameter passed on init one of the configuration files is loaded as webpack config module (see webpack.config.js)
this is development environment setup (webpack/dev.js)prod:
this is production build setup (webpack/prod.js).
Note! Configuration is not 'shared' between files. When updating, please adjust/update the properties in both files where needed.
BTW: I have chosen simpler approach with some code duplication instead of more complex setup without code duplication.
Master will have same content as base setup.
- master: same as base.
- dev: development branch
For testing this project uses Jest and Enzyme. Basic Jest definitions are taken from create-react-app scripts. The mockup scripts are in jest folder and the jest configuration is in package.json.