Manage images of spatie's media library package. Upload multiple images and order them by drag and drop.
composer require ebess/advanced-nova-media-library
Let's assume you configured your model to use the media library like following:
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media;
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null)
public function registerMediaCollections()
use Ebess\AdvancedNovaMediaLibrary\Fields\Images;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Images::make('Main image', 'main') // second parameter is the media collection name
->thumbnail('thumb') // conversion used to display the image
->rules('required'), // validation rules
If you enable the multiple upload ability, you can order the images via drag & drop.
use Ebess\AdvancedNovaMediaLibrary\Fields\Images;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Images::make('Images', 'my_multi_collection') // second parameter is the media collection name
->conversion('medium-size') // conversion used to display the "original" image
->conversionOnView('thumb') // conversion used on the model's view
->thumbnail('thumb') // conversion used to display the image on the model's index page
->multiple() // enable upload of multiple images - also ordering
->fullSize() // full size column
->rules('required', 'size:3') // validation rules for the collection of images
// validation rules for the collection of images
The default filename of the new uploaded file is the original filename. You can change this with the help of the function setFileName
, which takes a callback function as the only param. This callback function has three params: $originalFilename
(the original filename like Fotolia 4711.jpg
), $extension
(file extension like jpg
), $model
(the current model). Here are just 2 examples of what you can do:
// Set the filename to the MD5 Hash of original filename
Images::make('Image 1', 'img1')
->setFileName(function($originalFilename, $extension, $model){
return md5($originalFilename) . '.' . $extension;
// Set the filename to the model name
Images::make('Image 2', 'img2')
->setFileName(function($originalFilename, $extension, $model){
return str_slug($model->name) . '.' . $extension;
By default, the "name" field on the Media object is set to the original filename without the extension. To change this, you can use the setName
function. Like setFileName
above, it takes a callback function as the only param. This callback function has two params: $originalFilename
and $model
Images::make('Image 1', 'img1')
->setName(function($originalFilename, $model){
return md5($originalFilename);
In order to be able to upload and handle generic files just go ahead and use the Files
use Ebess\AdvancedNovaMediaLibrary\Fields\Files;
Files::make('Single file', 'one_file'),
Files::make('Multiple files', 'multiple_files')->multiple(),