A hook for logrus logger for sending errors and messages to the Sentry on specific log level. It uses default sentry client, so all you need is to add a hook.
err := raven.SetDSN(dsn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "Can't set up raven"))
hook := sentryhook.New(nil) // will use raven.DefaultClient, or provide custom client
hook.SetAsync(logrus.ErrorLevel) // async (non-bloking) hook for errors
hook.SetSync(logrus.PanicLevel, logrus.FatalLevel) // sync (blocking) for fatal stuff
Now, when you will make a log statement, like:
log.WithError(errors.New("some error")).WithField("BBB", map[string]int{"bb": 111}).Fatal("This is a fatal message")
hook will send an error to the Sentry and add log fields as tags.
In a case of log message without an error, hook will send a message with or without tags:
log.WithField("BBB", map[string]int{"bb": 111}).Error("This is a warning message") // with tags
log.Error("This is a warning message") // without tags, just message
Pro tip
Wrap your errors with github.com/pkg/errors
, sentry client is able to parse stack trace,
so you will have fancy issues with all trace and context you need.