Some years ago, has decided to stop providing an audio feed of their Brussels Playbook to various podcasting apps. What they still provide is ML-and-AWS-powered Text-To-Speech translation (as of Q2/2020).
As a consequence, because of a large inconvenience, I wrote this Azure Function
which extract the first article from and (aka the latest playbook), and then extracts Amazon Polly audio files from them.
Then, AWS audio feed URLs are being forwarded to my email account....on the demand, based on HTTP request to Azure function endpoint.
- Azure Cloud account
- Azure CLI
- Azure Function CLI
- Azure Storage resource
- Azure Function resource - will be created using Az CLI
- Sendgrid API key (free for 100 emails/day)
- Fork this repo
- In
parameters for your emails, and sendgrid api key. 2.2. Generate Sendgrid key if you need it (you will, if using sendgrid SaaS) - Setup azure account
az login
az group create --location eastus --name azure-functions
az storage account create -n dmpestorageaccount -g azure-functions --access-tier hot --https-only --kind StorageV2 --sku Standard_LRS --tags loc=eastus reason=func
az storage account update --custom-domain ""
touch azure_blob_policy.json
az storage account management-policy create --account-name dmpestorageaccount -g azure-functions --policy "$(cat azure_blob_policy.json)"
# setup other alerting/monitoring rules as necessary
az functionapp create -n politico-brussels -c eastus -g azure-functions -s dmpestorageaccount --disable-app-insights true --os-type linux --runtime python --runtime-version 3.8 --functions-version 3 --tags reason=function
The goal was to also minimize costs as much as possible. Hence for example use of policies. According to my estimations, it should be 0.
# remote (preffered)
func azure functionapp publish <APP_NAME>
# local
func azure functionapp publish <APP_NAME> --build local