Oncall dashboard that is used for handovers.
Configure celery beat to run scheduled periodic tasks
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='miruoncall.settings.testing' celery -A miruoncall beat -l debug --max-interval 60
Configure celery worker to execute beat tasks
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='miruoncall.settings.testing' celery -A miruoncall worker -l debug
Query all incidents for the 88e406ab39e04d7bb92b8ca2bd4cff98
$ curl -s -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"since": "2018-12-20", "until": "2018-12-30"}' | jq .
"incidents": [
"title": "Blat 26",
"description": "Blat 26",
"summary": "[#27] Blat 26",
"status": "resolved",
"actionable": true,
"created_at": "2018-12-26T09:04:41Z",
"incident_id": "PS2NK9B",
"annotation": null,
"urgency": "high"
"title": "Down Master DB",
"description": "Down Master DB",
"summary": "[#1] Down Master DB",
"status": "resolved",
"actionable": true,
"created_at": "2018-12-24T07:13:38Z",
"incident_id": "PZEUF78",
"annotation": null,
"urgency": "high"
"incident_count": {
"2018-12-26": 26,
"2018-12-24": 1
Create an annotation for the incident 3cec1b1c-9fa5-4943-baec-b81c65b801b1
$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"incident_ids": "3cec1b1c-9fa5-4943-baec-b81c65b801b1", "annotation": "This is a simple annotation", "actionable": true}'
Only update the incident to specify if the incident was actionable
$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"actionable": true}'
$ docker build -t quay.io/dmyerscough/miruoncall:0.0.1 .
$ docker push quay.io/dmyerscough/miruoncall:0.0.1
Template out the deployment using Helm
helm template miruoncall --name miruoncall --set application.django_secret_key="XXXX" --set application.pagerduty="XXXX"
helm template miruoncall --name celerybeat --set application.celerybeat.enabled=true
helm template miruoncall --name celery --set application.celery.enabled=true