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Report Converter

A tool that converts test reports from different frameworks into unified CICD Pipeline format. At the moment tool supports only JUnit reports format but there plans to add more. Also, the tool can analyze resulting JSON and provide quick summary in the form of the following statements: PASSING, FAILING or N/A


From tool's help documentation:

usage: [-h] [--input-format {junit}] [--status] input_file output_file

positional arguments:
  input_file            Input file containing XML report
  output_file           Out file where resulting JSON report will be written

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-format {junit}
                        Format of the input file
  --status              Boolean flag that being enabled makes the tool output
                        resulting status of the test run, i.e: passing,
                        failing or n/a