SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.0 Win64 & Linux
!First Linux version!
Still needs some features ported from the Windows version, and probably a lot of bug fixes.
MD5: 2e03bda783bf765a51d3ff568fbddcd9 *
MD5: 6f01e45402cd03734dc093ead8949149 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-0-Linux.tar.xz
- First version for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
- Removed RandomV (MoneroV) algorithm
- Added 'defyx' algorithm (Scala)
- Added 'yespoweritc' algorithm (Intercoin)
- Added 'cryptonight_catalans' algorithm (CatalansCoin)
- Added 'cryptonight_talleo' algorithm (Talleo)
- --randomx-use-tweaks accepts now values from 0-4, [ 0 - Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 - AMD ]
- Added parameter 'worker' to pools config and cmd parameters -> defines worker name for RPC2
- a lot of bug fixes