SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.5 Win64 & Linux
0448236825902dd12d87e20591ad1a7f *
ff7c8a1b2e12f4db31415f544107292e *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-5-Linux.tar.xz
- Added 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm (BigBangCore) - DevFee 2.5%
- Lowered devfee for 'bl2bsha3' to 2%
- Some gpu's might get a tiny hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3'
- Gpu sensors now available in Linux
- --adl-disable parameter now available in Linux
- --shutdown-temperature parameter (shutdown_temperature in config) now available in Linux
- --gpu-off-temperature parameter (off_temperature in config) now available in Linux
- Removed option to set difficulty for 'bl2bsha3' in password field
- Removed notification for 6block stratum compatibility
- Possibly fixed a bug where miner shows it's hashing (always shows exactly same hashrate), but gpu's are stalled