SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.5.5 Win64 & Linux
28327ad7d6a543717e04e8dd2ac3e0f2 *
6bb055a0aa40507d00baea68a6984e0a *SRBMiner-Multi-0-5-5-Linux.tar.xz
- Added algorithm 'argon2id_ninja' fee 0.85%
- DevFee for 'ethash' algorithm lowered to 0.65%
- DevFee for 'ubqhash' algorithm lowered to 0.65%
- DevFee for 'minotaur' algorithm lowered to 0.85%
- DevFee for 'randomxl' algorithm removed
- Small performance increase on cryptonight_xhv algorithm
- Parameter '--gpu-intensity' now accepts raw-intensity values too, so you can mix them if you want (ex. 12+2048 = intensity 12, raw-intensity 2048)
- Removed parameter '--gpu-raw-intensity'
- --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 for CPU mining now uses number of threads defined for algorithm 1 when algorithm 0 can't be mined
- Bug fixes