This is a MagicMirror module showing a map with a marker where your Tesla is currently located. It uses MQTT to receive this information from TeslaMate (so this is required!) and shows it on a Leaflet map.
Go to MagicMirror/modules
and write
git clone
cd MMM-TeslamateLocation
npm install
Here is an example configuration with description. Put it in the MagicMirror/config/config.js
module: 'MMM-TeslamateLocation',
position: 'top_right',
header: 'Tesla Location',
config: {
height: "300px";
width: "100%";
zoomLevel: 20;
mqttServerAddress: '',
mqttServerPort: '1883',
// mqttServerUser: '',
// mqttServerPassword: '',
mqttTopic: "teslamate/cars/1"
The height and width are used to set the containing div's size. The Leaflet map attempts to fill this div entirely. The higher the zoomLevel, the more detail you'll see on the map. Finally, the topic is the path to the car's MQTT output. The module appends "/latitude" and "/longitude" to this string to get the topics for the car's location.