This is a solution to the Easybank landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Solution URL: GitHub Repo
- Live Site URL: Live Preview
- Multi-page website ('404' and 'Coming Soon' pages included)
- Dynamic blog system with Content Collections
- Structured Sass style system (view
) - Accessibility in mind
- and, of course, clean code structure
I got introduced to Astro Content Collection when I was building the dynamic part of blog.
- Configuring the collections
const blogCollection = defineCollection({
type: "content",
schema: z.object({
author: z.string().default("Anonymous"),
title: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
image: z
src: z.string(),
alt: z.string(),
src: "\\nAVAILABLE",
alt: "No image found",
- Dynamically generating pages with
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const blog = await getCollection("blog");
return => ({
params: { slug: entry.slug },
props: { entry },
- Creating a single token to manage all essential styles
// base
$base-font-family: var(--ff-primary);
$base-font-size: var(--fs-400);
$base-line-height: 1.5;
// ....
// layout
$container-max-width: 80rem;
$container-padding: var(--size-8);
$section-padding-block: var(--size-13);
// ....
// button
$button-default-border: 0;
$button-default-border-radius: 100vw;
$button-default-background: var(--clr-neutral-300);
$button-default-color: var(--clr-neutral-700);
// ....
- Complete the landing page
- Style system with Sass
- Tricky mockup images layout
- Add custom '404' page
- Design the page
- Add custom 'Coming Soon' page
- Design the page
- Add 'About' page
- Design the page
- Add 'Careers' page
- Design the page
- Make it dynamic
- Add 'Contact' page
- Forms markup
- Style system for forms
- Further customize the 'Coming Soon' page (optional)
- Astro Documentation - Tutorial and documentation
- StackOverflow - Always comes to the rescue
- Kevin Powell's YouTube channel - Great resource for learning CSS and Sass
- Website - Doston Nabotov
- Frontend Mentor - @dostonnabotov
- Twitter - @dostonnabotov
I am mostly active on CodePen building and learning stuff.
Thanks to Frontend Mentor, I was able to get inspirations and build this project.