- RevEng: Allow customers to override the default templates (#2418)
- RevEng: Command option for adding codegen template into project (#2415)
- RevEng: Ignore __MigrationHistory table (#1929)
- Add support for execution of a raw command on the data store (#1863)
- RevEng: Convert CodeGen part to use templates (#1666)
- Migrations: Support database schemas (#948)
- IndentedStringBuilder shouldn't create space-only lines (#654)
- Enable configuring CommandTimeout on framework-created DbCommand objects (#605)
- Define patterns/APIs for using configuration (#192)
Bugs Fixed
- Migrations generate wrong order for DropForeignKey and DropPrimaryKey (#2509)
- Make DiscriminatorValue object instead of string (#2444)
- Full .NET build error after installing EntityFramework.SqlServer (Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported) (#2340)
- FromSql query parameter name collisions (#2309)
- SQL Server: "malformed" SQL in HistoryRepository (#2190)
- FromSql: Crash when composing multiple calls (#2185)
- SQLite DDL fails on Windows 10 UAP (#2184)
- Help with my configuration: Could not load file or assembly 'System, Version= ... (#2153)
- MigrationBuilder.CreateSchema(string name) + SQL Server is missing batch sepator (#2112)
- Using a DB Context that Extends IdentityDbContext<TUser, TRole, TKey> where TKey: Guid causes an error on add migration (#2099)
- Migrations :: ForSqlServer() configuration doesn't work with migrations (#1975)
- RevEng: Self referencing relationships only partially specified in generated code (#1936)
- RevEng: .Required() not generated for nullable CLR types that are NOT NULL in database (#1935)
- Migrations create dbo.DefaultSequence when named schema is specified (#1919)
- Migrations: Handle transitive renames (#1907)
- Migrations: Topologically sort DropTable operations (#1903)
- Foreign key name is incorrectly generated for one:many relationships (#1697)
- Migrations: Improve error message when commands not installed in project that contains the context (#1459)
- Migrations: Default value not scaffolded for non nullable fields causing error (#1275)
- Attempting to set type to "Nullable`1" in DbContext (#1195)
- Perf tests run when running all tests in TestDriven.NET (#1139)
- Commands :: "k ef migration add" throws argument null exception (expecting the migration name) - but we should provide a nicer message (#980)
- Read relevant DbContextOptions from IConfiguration (#849)