EF Core 7.0.3
This is a patch release of EF Core 7.0 containing only important bug fixes:
- Add-Migration fails with "An item with the same key has already been added" when renaming entity
- ExecuteUpdate fails when target entity has an owned entity
- EF Core 7 Rev eng: Missing HasForeignKey when referencing a navigation property with a unique constraint with DataAnnotations on
- Change in behaviour of CSharpHelper.Identifier(string name)
- NullReferenceException scaffolding when no primary key set
- Idempotent migration script not working on EFCore7.0 for AlterColumn when nullable changed from true to false
- 6.0.11 to 7.0.0: [...] are both mapped to column [..] but are configured to use differing provider types ('double' and 'double?').'
- Generated Model Snapshot throws InvalidOperationException
- SQL Server bulk insert broken when new command applies pending commands and goes over the batch parameter limit
- Invalid singularization when scaffolding a manytomany table
- In EF7, SqLite unable to load spatialite using the NetTopologySuite Package
- Cannot access property through interface in ExecuteUpdate setter lambda
- DbContext scaffold missing IndexerProperty for M2M relation after moving to EF Core 7
- Performance regression in model building in Entity Framework Core 7
- Mixing sproc and non-sproc commands in the same batch may fail with a NullReferenceException
- Condition's order will cause different result when using .Contains() to search string cross varchar and nvarchar columns
- SaveChanges circular dependency in unique unfiltered index
- QueryTrackingBehavior resets to TrackAll when using DbContext pooling
- EFCore 7.0.0 - Graph of entity insertion throws a FK exception
- Replacing PK to PK TPH dependent with different type fails
- dotnet ef migrations add freezes
- InvalidOperationException when mapping properties of different types to the same column
- Obsoletion message for AutoTransactionsEnabled is wrong
- Incorrect NullReferenceException for parameter in split query with GroupBy