Simple CLI Adventure-Game that shows example of implementatiom State Patterns for Scenes.
- current: Version 1.0 Released.
- click me to Download Game
- go to Release page on GitHub repo or click at this release link
- download archive file PaintDrying_v1 in format .zip or .rar
- run .exe file (without deleting other files in archived file)
- you can create shortcut by clicking Right Mouse Button and choose Shortcut
Just use Keyboard in CLI and Enjoy Adventure.
- Enter to choose options.
- Arrow Up to iteract with Menu System.
- Arrow Down to iteract with Menu System.
- Game Menu Keyboard Controller System
- Paint Text in Tablet
- Paint Wall of Room
- Take Flashlights to enter the Garage
- Take Paint Color in Garage
There is some list of idea
- .exe Realese on GitHub
- capture gif demo of game and add it into README
- replace Garage and Room ASCII-Arts
- rewrite some text in game