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Build and installation

PAN, Myautsai edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

For libmc user

You can install from PyPI:

pip install libmc

If you are encountering any issue related to Cython, try to upgrade your Cython and try it again:

pip install --upgrade Cython

If you're using golibmc, you can import golibmc directly. E.g.:

package main

import "fmt"
import ""

func main() {
	servers := []string{
	key := "foo"
	mc := golibmc.SimpleNew(servers)
	item := golibmc.Item{
		Key:   key,
		Value: []byte("year2016"),
	itemGot, _ := mc.Get(key)

For libmc developer

To build the internal C/C++ code solely, you should install cmake first, and then:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

To run unittest for the internal C/C++ code:

make test

To build the Python module (and the Cython module), you should use python setuptools:

python build

If you want to build the Cython module in-place:

python build_ext --inplace

To run unittest for the Cython wrapper:

python misc/ tests/resources/keys.txt
./misc/memcached_server start
python test

To build the Golang wrapper:

./misc/memcached_server start
cd golibmc
go build

To run unittest for the Golang wrapper:

./misc/memcached_server start
cd golibmc
go test