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Wiktionary reads NZE wordlist

Douglas Bagnall edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 2 revisions

looking up nze-wordlist.txt in wiktionary5-single-word.txt

Generated by ./ test/nze-wordlist.txt dict/wiktionary5-single-word.txt.

hit hid hint

hit                                /hɪt/
hid                                /hɪd/
hint                              /hɪnt/

boot booed boo tune dune

boot                     /buːt/  [buːt]
Boot                              [boːt]
booed missing!
boo                            /ˈbo.oː/
tune                             /tjuːn/
dune                             /djuːn/

bird curt burn

bird                          /bɜː(r)d/
curt missing!
burn                          /bɜː(r)n/

bat bad back bag ban

bat                                /bæt/
bad                                /bæd/
Bad                                 [bat]
back                               /bæk/
bag                               /bæɡ/
ban                                /bæn/

bet bed beck beg Ben

bet                              /ˈbɛt/
bed                                 /bed/
beck missing!
beg                               /beɪg/
ben                                 /ben/
Ben                            /bɛɪ̯n/

but bud buck bug bun

but                                /bət/
bud                                /bʌd/
Bud                                /bʌd/
buck                               /bʌk/
bug                               /bʌɡ/
Bug                                 [buk]
bun                                /bʌn/

bark barn path laugh dance

bark                         /bɑː(ɹ)k/
barn                             [bɐːn]
path                   /pɑːθ/  /pæθ/
laugh                            /lɑːf/
dance                             /dæns/

bought bored born bore

bought                           /bɔːt/
bored missing!
born                        /ˈbɔː(r)n/
bore                          /bɔː(ɹ)/

book good put

book                               /bʊk/
good                              /ɡʊd/
put                                /pʌt/

beat bead beak bean

beat                              /biːt/
bead                              /biːd/
beak missing!
bean                              /biːn/

loud lout how cow town

loud                              /laʊd/
lout                              /laʊt/
how                                /haʊ/
cow                              /kaʊ̯/
town                            /taʊ̯n/

tie tied tight pie pine

tie                                /taɪ/
tied                           /ˈtijɛd/
tight                             /taɪt/
pie                               /pʌɪ/
PIE                        /piː.aɪ.iː/
Pie                                  /pi/
pine                             /pɑɪn/

hay bay bait paid pay pain take

hay                                /heɪ/
bay                                /beɪ/
bait                              /beɪt/
paid                            /ˈpeɪd/
pay                                /peɪ/
pain                              /peɪn/
take                              /teɪk/

moat mow mowed moan

moat                             /məʊt/
mow                               /məʊ/
mowed missing!
moan                             /məʊn/

beer bear here hair ear air

beer                              /bɪə/
bear                              /bɛə/
here                          /hɪə(ɹ)/
Here                           /ˈhe.ʁe/
hair                     /hɛə/  /hɛɹ/
ear                            /ɪə(ɹ)/
air                                /ɛə/

spear spare shear share cheer chair

spear                          /ˈspɪɚ/
spare                      /ˈspɛə(ɹ)/
shear                        /ʃɪə(ɹ)/
share                            /ʃɛɚ/
cheer                           /tʃɪə/
chair                       /tʃɛə(ɹ)/

hid had hard hoard who'd hood head heard heed hud hod

hid                                /hɪd/
had                                /hæd/
hard                             /hɑɹd/
hoard                         /hɔː(r)d/
who'd missing!
hood                               /hʊd/
head                               /hɛd/
heard                          /ˈhɜːd/
heed                              /hiːd/
hud                              /xûːd/
hod                              /ˈhɑd/

groan grown moan mown throne thrown

groan                         /ɡɹəʊn/
grown                       /ˈɡɻɔʊn/
moan                             /məʊn/
mown                             /məʊn/
throne                         /θrəʊn/
thrown                         /θrəʊn/

weather which whether witch when wine while whine

weather                       /ˈwɛðɚ/
which                   /wɪʧ/  /ʍɪʧ/
whether                   /ˈʍɛðə(r)/
witch                            /wɪtʃ/
when                      /wɛn/  /ʍɛn/
wine                              /waɪn/
while                            /ʍaɪl/
whine                             /waɪn/

ten shed add yes end bed

ten                                /tɛn/
Ten                                /tên/
shed                              /ʃɛd/
add                                 /æd/
yes missing!
end                                /ɛnd/
bed                                 /bed/

doll dole dull

doll                               /dɒl/
dole                              /dôle/
dull                               /dʌl/

school full wool will pool well

school               /skuːl/  /ˈsku.əl/
full                               /fʊl/
wool                               /wʊl/
will                      /wɪl/  [wɪɫ]
pool missing!
well                               /wɛl/

fill filling fall falling fool fooling four

fill                              /fɪɫ/
filling                      /ˈfɪlɪŋ/
fall                             /fɔːl/
Fall                                /fal/
falling                    /ˈfɔːlɪŋ/
fool                              /fuːl/
fooling missing!
four                  /fɔːɹ/  /foʊɹ/

milk child railway cold

milk                             [mɪɫk]
child                          /tʃaɪld/
railway                      /ɹeɪlweɪ/
cold                            /kəʊld/

ferry fairy herring hearing

ferry                          /ˈfɛɹi/
fairy                       /ˈfɛəɹɪ/
herring missing!
hearing                     /ˈhiɹ.ɪŋ/

city letter fatter ladder scatter better batter Peter

city                            /ˈsɪti/
letter                        /ˈlɛt.ə/
fatter missing!
ladder                          /ˈladə/
scatter missing!
better                        /ˈbɛt.ə/
batter                          /ˈbatə/
Peter                           /piːtə/

tour pour sure sewer skewer cure poor

tour                               /tuʁ/
pour                    /pɔːr/  /poʊr/
sure                               /ʃɔ/
sewer                         /ˈsjuːə/
skewer missing!
cure                         /kjʊə(ɹ)/
poor                       /pɔr/  /pʊr/

street train tree dream

street                         /stɹiːt/
train                /tɹeɪn/  /tʃɹeɪn/
tree                 /tɹiː/  [t͡ʃɹiː]
dream                           /dɹiːm/

mother father nothing something

mother                        /ˈmʌðə/
father                      /ˈfaː.ðə/
nothing                     /ˈnʌθɪŋ/
something                 /ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/

think thin with toothbrush breathe clothe beneath

think                           /θɪŋk/
thin                            /ˈθɪn/
with                              /wɪð/
toothbrush                /ˈtuθbɹʌʃ/
breathe                        /bɹiːð/
clothe                       /ˈkləʊð/
beneath                     /bɪˈniːθ/

milk silk sulk gold

milk                             [mɪɫk]
silk                              /sɪlk/
sulk missing!
gold                           /ɡəʊld/

Ellen Alan

ellen                          [ˈelːen]
Ellen                          [ˈelːen]
alan                           /ɑ.ɫɑn/
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