Remote-control via all interfaces supported by VXI11 interface.
Supported features:
- save screenshot.
- Rigol:
- Lecroy:
save recorded waveforms from memory. data for each channel is saved as string of unsigned chars. supports saving multiple records and all visible channels.
save and restore current setup. (some settings sadly cannot be saved, like channel labels)
scripts to convert dumped channel data to wave and sigrok format, thus making downloaded data analyzable in e.g. pulseview
In lack of a better place I also keep my other screenshot scripts here. Those are for real GPIB device (IEEE 488) from other vendors that I have:
- HP 53310a Modulation Domain Analyzer
- LeCroy LC574AL Ocsilloscope
basic python interface to vxi11
To use the other GPIB screenshot tools, you will need the linux-gpib tools and a GPIB adapter.
Small utility to get screen dumps and measured data from Rigol DS1054 oscilloscope, using vxi11 software transport over Ethernet
Spectrum Analyzer for the Rigol DS1000 series digital scopes