1. My Code:
Frist open google colab with GPU
Clone this project to Google Colab:
!git clone https://github.com/dqhuy140598/RelationClassification.git
Download pretrained Word2Vec:
!wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/dl4j-distribution/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz
Unzip pretrained Word2Vec:
!gunzip GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz
Cd to this project:
%cd RelationClassification/
Generate training and validation shortest dependency path and part of speech tagging:
!python ./utils/data_utils.py
Build words vocabulary:
!python ./utils/build_vocab.py
Train model:
If you use threshold equal to 0.5:
!python train.py --pretrained $PRETRAINED_PATH$
!python train.py --pretrained $PRETRAINED_PATH$ --use_thresh True
$PRETRAINED_PATH$ : PATH to pretrained Word2Vec. Please replace it by /content/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin
2. EMNLP2017 Code:
Convert the processed data to use for this code:
!python ./utils/convert.py
Train model:
If you use threshold equal to 0.5:
!python EMNLP2017.py --data $DATA_PATH$ --pretrained $PRETRAINED_PATH$
!python EMNLP2017.py --data $DATA_PATH$ --pretrained $PRETRAINED_PATH$ --use_thresh True
$PRETRAINED_PATH$ : PATH to the pretrained Word2Vec. Please replace it by /content/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin -
$DATA_PATH$ : PATH to the converted data. please replace it by data_convert.json