You should have Mozilla Firefox installed!
Presentation link - special thanks to @veronicaverlan (presentation), @teoluna (visualization) and @thundera1z (testing)
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt && chmod 755 geckodriver_linux
pip install -r requirements.txt && chmod 755 geckodriver_macos
Execute python 26477 fortheproject
- Notifications for mandatory classes
- List of mandatory subjects
- Exercises, Lecture or Lab
- Set notification on schedule change in this week
- Route to the University from calendar event
- Useful information in event desctiption
- Useful links per subject
credentials.json - is a configuration file of our gcalendar application (same as facebook has)
sync result: 1m 20s (20s - pulling, 1m - sync with gcalendar)