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Steve Ebersole edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 1 revision

Release Notes for Hibernate ORM 5.2

5.2 (5.2.0.Final) was tagged and released June 1st, 2016.

Its original Road Map plan was covered very well. Only the item "Gail's OperationalContext" did not make it into 5.2. That particular change will be included in 6.x - hopefully 6.0 depending on how Type dependent the OperationalContext work is.

In addition to the original Road Map items, the following features were added:

  • Support for integrating with JCache providers as second level caching providers
  • Support for controlling "JDBC batch size" at the Session level

The "changelog" can be viewed in the root directory for the 5.2 branch. Ultimately that all points to a number of Jira issues. Here are links to the "live list" of these linked issues for the 5.2.0 release (todo : ultimately we should include the Alpha, Beta, CR issues as well). The first link is "nicer", but Atlassian requires that you have an account to access it:

Users may also be interested in the 5.2 Migration Guide