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How to set up

drizzle-mizzle edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 26 revisions

OBSOLETE! Will be updated later


Even though this guide is so clear-n-easy that even my grandma wound not have any problems with that, you still need to have at least some basic PC-user skills. Don't expect me to help you with things like creating the Discord Bot itself or solving the problems with your operating system, this is a Google's job.

1. Go to the Last Release page and download the version for your OS.

  • image

2. Create a new Discord application (you can easily find the guides on the internet, so I won't focus on this part here).



  • Required bot permissions:


    • Manage Roles permission is required so bot could create a role from the config file. See Additional-configuration.
    • Manage Channels permission is required only for the private command to work. You may not give it to the bot if you feel unsafe with it, but private won't work.

3. Get your bot token and place it in the Config.json file.

4. Create CharacterAI account if you don't have one.

5. Sign in, open DevTools (<Ctrl+Shift+J> in Chrome) and find your auth token as it described here.

6. Copy its value and place in the char_ai_user_token field in the Config.json file.

  • image

7. Launch the bot:

  • Windows:
    • Simply run CharacterAI_Discord_Bot.exe (you can launch it from the terminal too)
  • Linux:
    • Install dependencies (for Debian-like distros: sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2);
    • cd to the project folder;
    • Execute chmod 777 ./CharacterAI_Discord_Bot;
    • Run it with ./CharacterAI_Discord_Bot
  • WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) for those who have problems launching it on Windows and have zero Linux experience:
    • See How to Install Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows;
    • In Windows, unzip bot archive in any convenient directory. I'll use C:\ root directory for axample;
    • Open wsl Ubuntu. Execute sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2;
    • Move to the bot directory: cd /mnt/c/cAI-Discord-Linux-x64 - /mnt/c/ stands for the C volume as a mounted drive and cAI-Discord-Linux-x64 - for the folder that contains all the bot files;
    • Execute chmod 777 ./CharacterAI_Discord_Bot;
    • Run it with ./CharacterAI_Discord_Bot

8. Set the character:

  • With an embedded search:
    • Run command #find <query> and select a character


  • With a browser:
    • Open a chat with a character you want to add on your server;
    • In adress bar locate and copy character's id (it's right after '/chat?char=...');
    • image
    • Run the bot command #set <id>

9. Enjoy converstaion!