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Romt (Rust Offline Mirror Tool) aids in using the Rust programming language in an offline context.


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ROMT - Rust Offline Mirror Tool

Romt (Rust Offline Mirror Tool) aids in using the Rust programming language in an offline context. Instructions and tooling are provided for:

  • Mirroring of Rust ecosystem artifacts:
    • Toolchains (Rustc, Cargo, libraries, etc.)
    • Rustup (toolchain multiplexer)
    • (community-supplied Crates) with "sparse" index support.
  • Incremental artifact downloading (with a configurable number of simultaneous download jobs).
  • Incremental artifact transfer to offline network.
  • Artifact serving in offline context (offline computer, disconnected network).


Romt support two main mirroring scenarios:

  • Development laptop scenario: Download Rust artifacts to the laptop when connected to the Internet, then serve the artifacts from the laptop when offline.
  • Disconnected network scenario: Download Rust artifacts on an Internet-connected "Export" machine, transfer them to an offline network, then serve the artifacts from an offline "Import" machine.

Instructions are provided for serving the artifacts using Romt itself via unencrypted HTTP or via the nginx web server.

Alternative Tooling


  • Python 3.8+ for running romt (requires some packages from
  • Git is required for manipulating the repository.
  • Internet-connected computer for initial downloading (Linux, Windows, Mac [1]).
  • Offline computer for serving artifacts (Linux, Windows, Mac).
  • [Optional] Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG), if installed, is used used for signature checking.
[1]Note: the author does not have access to a Mac, so support for Romt on Mac is untested but hopefully close to working. Pull requests for Mac-specific fixes are welcome.

Romt installation


Take note of the instructions for upgrading from Romt versions before 0.4.0 if you have existing crate mirrors created from older Romt versions.

Install prerequisites

First install prerequisites for Romt:

  • Ensure Git is installed; it is required for proper manipulation of the repository.
  • For signature checking, GNU Privacy Guard (gpg) should be installed as well. If gpg is not available, signature files (*.asc) will still be transferred but signature checking will be skipped.

Next, choose an option for installation of Romt itself.

Option 1: Install a pre-built executable

The simplest method of installation is to use a pre-built self-contained executable from the Github release area:

Option 2: Install from Python Package Index

Romt is also available in the Python Package Index (PyPI).

  • Download romt source and all dependencies on a host with direct Internet access:

    • Prepare romt download area:

      mkdir romt
      cd romt
    • Download poetry and dependencies:

      pip download poetry
    • Download the romt source:

      pip download --no-binary :all: --no-deps romt
    • Unpack the romt source tarball romt-*.tar.gz:

      # Example for Linux:
      tar -zxf romt-*.tar.gz
    • Download the dependencies from requirements.txt:

      pip download -r romt-*/requirements.txt
  • If installing to an offline host, transfer the entire romt/ download area to that host.

  • Ensure that the PATH contains the directory that holds installed Python packages:

    # For Linux:
    # For Windows with Python version X.Y:
  • Install romt from the current directory of sources (ensuring the current working directory is the romt/ download area):

    pip install --user --no-index --find-links . romt

Option 3: Work with source

If desired, the source may be cloned from Github and installed into a virtual environment.

  • Install Poetry globally as described in the documentation:

    Include the poetry-plugin-export plugin as well. Assuming pipx was used for installation of poetry itself, this is done via:

    pipx inject poetry poetry-plugin-export

    This plugin is needed for generating a requirements.txt file.

  • Clone source:

    git clone
    cd romt
  • Run a Poetry shell (which creates and activates a virtual environment installed with Romt and all dependencies):

    poetry shell
  • Optionally build an executable for your platform:

    nox -s build

    Find executables in dist/ tree based on your platform, e.g.:


Romt usage overview

Romt is a Python-based command-line tool with several commands:

  • romt toolchain: mirror and manage Rust toolchains.
  • romt rustup: mirror and manage Rustup.
  • romt crate: mirror and manage crate files from
  • romt serve: simple HTTP server for toolchains, rustup, and crates.

See romt --help for overall usage help.

In particular, note that romt --readme will display the contents of this README file for reference.

Quick-start development-laptop server

For the development-laptop scenario, follow these steps to get a working server configuration with mirrored Rust content.

  • Ensure the laptop has Internet access.

  • Install Romt (as above).

  • Create area for mirrored artifacts:

    mkdir mirror
    cd mirror
  • Download latest stable toolchain:

    # Change ``linux`` to ``windows`` or ``darwin`` as appropriate:
    romt toolchain -v -s stable -t linux download
  • Download latest stable rustup version:

    # Change ``linux`` to ``windows`` or ``darwin`` as appropriate:
    romt rustup -v -s stable -t linux download
  • Setup crate mirror (one-time only):

    romt crate init
  • Download full mirror:

    romt crate -v --keep-going update


    A few crates have been removed from and are therefore not available, so a few download failures (403 Client Error: Forbidden) should be expected. The --keep-going option allows romt to continue in the face of these missing crates.

    Currently (April 2022), versions of the following crates are missing:

    • bork
    • css-modules
    • css-modules-macros
    • deploy
    • doccy
    • etch
    • glib-2-0-sys
    • glue
    • gobject-2-0-sys
    • peek
    • pose
  • Configure crate mirror to be served from localhost (one-time only):

    romt crate config
  • Start Romt as a server on http://localhost:8000:

    romt serve


    Leave the server running in this dedicated terminal.

Quick-start disconnected-network server

Setting up a server for the disconnected-network scenario is similar to that for the development-laptop scenario above; explanations that overlap that scenario are omitted below.

  • On Internet-connected Export machine:

    • Install Romt (as above).

    • Create area for mirrored artifacts:

      mkdir mirror
      cd mirror
    • Download latest stable toolchain and create toolchain.tar.gz:

      # Change ``linux`` to ``windows`` or ``darwin`` as appropriate:
      romt toolchain -v -s stable -t linux download pack
    • Download latest stable rustup version and create rustup.tar.gz:

      # Change ``linux`` to ``windows`` or ``darwin`` as appropriate:
      romt rustup -v -s stable -t linux download pack
    • Setup crate mirror (one-time only):

      romt crate init
    • Download and create crates.tar.gz:

      romt crate -v --keep-going export
    • Transfer toolchain.tar.gz, ``rustup.tar.gz, and crates.tar.gz to Import machine.

  • On Disconnected network Import machine:

    • Install Romt (as above).

    • Create area for mirrored artifacts (one-time only):

      mkdir mirror
    • Place exported toolchain.tar.gz, ``rustup.tar.gz, and crates.tar.gz files into this mirror/ directory, and enter the directory at a prompt:

      cd mirror
    • Import toolchain and rustup:

      romt toolchain -v unpack
      romt rustup -v unpack
    • Setup crate mirror (one-time only):

      romt crate init-import
    • Import crates.tar.gz:

      romt crate -v --keep-going import
    • Configure crate mirror to be served from localhost (one-time only):

      romt crate config
    • Start Romt as a server on http://localhost:8000:

      romt serve


      Leave the server running in this dedicated terminal.

Quick-start client setup

Follow these steps to configure Rust tooling for use with a mirror server on localhost using either Quick-start server configuration above.

  • Setup environment variables to point to the server. By default, this will be at http://localhost:8000; adjust all uses of localhost:8000 below for different server address:port combinations:

    # For Linux/Mac:
    export RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=http://localhost:8000
    export RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=http://localhost:8000/rustup
    # For Windows:
    set RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=http://localhost:8000
    set RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=http://localhost:8000/rustup


    These variables must be set in each terminal window before using the mirror server.

  • Download the rustup-init installer for your platform from the Romt server using the appropriate URL below, saving it into the current directory:

  • Run the installer, accepting the defaults:

    # Linux/Mac:
    chmod +x rustup-init
    # Windows
  • Ensure environment changes take place in current shell:

    # For Linux/Mac:
    source $HOME/.cargo/env
    # For Windows:
    PATH %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin;%PATH%
  • Try out some rustup commands:

    rustup self update
    rustup component add rust-src
  • Create the text file ~/.cargo/config.toml (%USERPROFILE%\.cargo\config.toml on Windows) to use romt serve. With a Rust toolchain from 2022-06-20 or later, the "sparse" protocol may be used. This is significantly faster than the older Git-based method.

    • For the sparse index method, use the following contents for the config.toml file:

      registry = 'sparse+http://localhost:8000/crates-index/'
      # Disable cert revocation checking (necessary only on Windows):
      check-revoke = false
    • For the older Git-based index method, use the following contents for the config.toml file:

      registry = 'http://localhost:8000/git/'
      # Disable cert revocation checking (necessary only on Windows):
      check-revoke = false
      # For greatly improved performance, have Cargo use the Git command-line
      # client to acquire `` repository. See
      # for details.
      git-fetch-with-cli = true
  • Create a sample project to demonstrate crate usage:

    cargo new rand_test
    cd rand_test
  • Add the rand crate to the build:

    cargo add rand
  • Fetch rand and its dependencies:

    cargo fetch

Upgrading from Romt versions before 0.4.0

When upgrading Romt, it's recommended to use the same version of Romt on both the Internet-connected and offline hosts.

Romt 0.4.0 changes how crate files are stored on-disk by default, in order to fix problems using a mirror with case-sensitive and case-insensitive filesystems simultaneously. Older Romt stores crates in directories based on the prefix of each crate's mixed-case name (e.g., MyCrate-0.1.0.crate would have a prefix of My/Cr/). This works for filesystems that are either case-sensitive or case-insensitive, but it does not allow a tree of crate files created with one case sensitivity to be accessed using the opposite case sensitivity. Romt 0.4.0 now defaults to making prefix directories in lowercase, allowing a crate mirror to be used via arbitrary case sensitivity.

For backward compatibility, Romt 0.4.0 supports the use of existing mirror trees transparently. Newly created mirror trees will use lowercase prefixes by default (usable on all filesystems); mixed-case prefixes may be requested via the --prefix=mixed flag (permitted only with case-sensitive filesystems).

Romt 0.4.0 generates crate archives (crates.tar.gz) using mixed-case prefixes by default for backward compatibility, but it can also use lowercase prefixes for consistency with the preferred on-disk prefix format. To distinguish the prefix style, Romt 0.4.0 adds an ARCHIVE_FORMAT file to the crate archive. Format 1 is compatible with old Romt except for the addition of the ARCHIVE_FORMAT file. Old Romt will see this file as an error and refuse to unpack the archive by default, but processing will succeed using the invocation romt crate unpack --keep-going. To avoid corrupting an existing crate mirror by unpacking a new crate archive with old Romt, new archives currently default to format 1, but it's recommended to upgrade Romt to ensure proper processing of all crate archive formats.

Converting crate mirror to lowercase prefixes

To convert an existing crate mirror (using mixed-case prefixes) to the new format (using lowercase prefixes), the easiest method is to make a crate archive of the old mirror, then unpack the archive using the new format. For example:

# Pack up existing crate mirror into ``crates.tar.gz``:
romt crate -v --keep-going --start 0 --end master pack

# Rename the old crate tree out of the way:
mv crates crates.old

# Initialize for importing with a temporary index area:
romt crate --index index-tmp init-import

# Unpack crates from crates.tar.gz into new crates/ tree:
romt crate -v --index index-tmp unpack

# Verify conversion:
romt crate verify -v --start 0

# Cleanup:
rm -rf index-tmp crates.old

Note that the above steps eliminate the unpredictable-case prefixes that are created with old Romt using a case-insensitive filesystem (such as on Windows).


Romt has some features that are shared across two or more commands.


The TARGET specifies the platform for executables using standard tuple values (e.g., x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu). Any tuples supported by Rust are valid. Typical values are shown below; in parentheses are aliases Romt provides for ease of typing these common targets:

  • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (alias linux)
  • x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (alias windows)
  • aarch64-apple-darwin (alias darwin)

TARGET values are given by the option --target TARGET. Multiple TARGET options may be given, and each TARGET will be split at commas and whitespace to produce a list of desired TARGET values, e.g.:

--target linux,windows --target 'darwin i686-pc-windows-msvc'

A TARGET may be a literal all that expands to all known targets. For romt toolchain, this list comes from the manifest file. For romt rustup, it comes from a hard-code list within Romt; this is an ever-changing list that may be out-of-date in an old release of Romt.

A TARGET may be a literal * (asterisk) that expands to all targets with at least one on-disk file for the given SPEC.

SHA256 hashes

  • Each file named {file}.sha256 contains the SHA256 hash of the corresponding file named {file}. Romt verifies all hashes to ensure file integrity.

Command-line option details

  • The option --num-jobs controls how many simultaneous download jobs Romt may use at a time. By default, --num-jobs=4, which should be a conservative value that won't stress the servers heavily.
  • The option --timeout controls the timeout in seconds for downloading. A value of zero disables the timeout functionality altogether.
  • The option --assume-ok instructs Romt that all files already on-disk are to be assumed OK; no hashes or signatures are checked for such files.

toolchain operation

The toolchain operation deals with Rust toolchains.


Each toolchain is identified by a SPEC value which takes on one of the below forms:


In the above SPEC forms:

  • {channel} is typically one of the channel names nightly, beta, stable. It may also be a version number of the form X.Y.Z or a literal * (asterisk) as a wildcard that expands to the set nightly,beta,stable.

  • {date} is typically of the form YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2020-04-30). It may also be a literal * (asterisk) as a wildcard that expands to all toolchain dates on-disk, or a literal latest that expands to the most recent toolchain date on-disk.

  • Note that a SPEC value consisting of a single * represents a wildcarded {date} value, not a {channel} value. It is equivalent to *-* (making both {channel} and {date} wild).

  • Wildcards (* and latest) may not be used when downloading, and the {channel} is always required. The {date} field may be omitted to download the most recent toolchain for the given channel.

  • SPEC values are given by the option --select SPEC. Multiple SPEC options may be given, and each SPEC will be split at commas and whitespace to produce a list of desired SPEC values. E.g.:

    --select nightly,stable --select beta-2020-01-23


See the TARGET section of Commonalities above for details.

Manifest file

A manifest file provides details about a toolchain for a given SPEC, enumerating valid combinations of toolchain components and targets.

The manifest filename is of the form channel-rust-{channel}.toml, where {channel} is one of nightly, beta, or stable. For stable manifests, the manifest is duplicated into a file of the form channel-rust-{version}.toml, where {version} is a version number of the form X.Y.Z.


Downloading is requested via the romt toolchain download command.

A toolchain is specified by a SPEC/TARGET pair. Both must be given. Wildcarding (via * or latest) is not permitted, though the {date} may be omitted from the SPEC value, and TARGET may be the literal all to download all known targets for the SPEC.

By default, all toolchain components will be downloaded; but when the switch --cross is supplied, only the Rust standard library component rust-std will be downloaded. This is to support cross-compilation to a given target without the need to download all toolchain components for that target.

Files are downloaded from by default; this may be changed via the option --url <URL>.

Files are downloaded to the destination directory dist/ by default; this may be changed via the option --dest DEST.

When downloaded, the toolchain will be stored on-disk in the following layout:



  • YYYY-MM-DD is the toolchain date.
  • {channel} is one of nightly, beta, or stable.
  • {component} represents a toolchain component (e.g., rust, cargo, rust-src).
  • {target} represents a target tuple (e.g., x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu). Components lacking a {target} are common across all targets; currently this is limited to the rust-src component.
  • Each file named {file}.asc contains the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) digital signature of the corresponding file named {file}. Checking signature requires GPG; if it is not installed, signature files won't be checked but they will still be transferred. The verification key is available at; this key is built into Romt itself for offline use.

For example, after downloading with this command:

romt toolchain download --select nightly-2020-04-30 --target linux

The tree would contain (among other files):


For convenience, the most recently released toolchain for each channel (nightly, beta, or stable) will be copied directly into the dist/ directory. This is especially helpful for stable and beta builds so that the date of the most recent release need not be known in advance. For stable manifests, the version-specific copy of the manifest is placed into dist/ as well.

For example, as of 2020-05-06, the most recent manifests were for SPEC values of:

  • nightly-2020-05-06
  • beta-2020-04-26
  • stable-2020-04-23 (version 1.43.0)

On that date, performing a download with --target linux and --select nightly,beta,stable would yield the following downloaded manifests:


Where the dateless manifests housed directly in dist/ are copies of those from the dated directories.

Because the contents of dateless manifests are subject to change, cached copies of these files are re-downloaded during a download command.


Downloaded toolchains may be packed into an ARCHIVE file using the romt toolchain pack command.

The archive file may be moved to another machine and unpacked using the romt toolchain unpack command.

Romt will detect when a toolchain has been downloaded via the --cross switch, in which case only the rust-std component (along with whatever other toolchain components are present, if any) will be processed.

For both pack and unpack, the ARCHIVE file is named toolchain.tar.gz by default; this may be changed via the option --archive ARCHIVE.

An unpack command automatically performs a verify (described below). In addition, dateless manifests are reconstructed automatically during unpack as part of a fixup operation (described below).

An archive file contains files from dated subdirectories only. Given the example above for the download command, the ARCHIVE would contain only these manifests:



Each toolchain identified by a SPEC has a canonical manifest file stored in the toolchain's dated directory. This file has a path of the form YYYY-MM-DD/channel-rust-{channel}.toml, where {channel} is one of the channel names nightly, beta, or stable.

The "fixup" operation is responsible for making any necessary copies of each canonical manifest in the dist/ tree. If the given on-disk manifest is found in the latest dated directory, it will be copied into the top-level dist/ directory. In addition, for each SPEC on the stable channel a version-specific manifest file of the form channel-rust-X.Y.Z.toml will be copied into the dated directory and the top-level dist/ directory.

A fixup operation may be explicitly requested via the romt toolchain fixup command, though that should rarely be required because it is automatically performed after any download or unpack command.

Consider the example above for the download command; it would generate an archive containing only these canonical manifests:


The fixup command would copy these manifests to create:


Listing downloaded toolchains

The romt toolchain list command prints information about on-disk toolchains for the provided SPEC values. Wildcards are permitted.

For example, the most recent on-disk stable release can be shown via:

romt toolchain list --select 'stable-latest'

With example output:

stable-2024-02-08(1.76.0)    targets[10/94]   packages[34/425]
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                      native-target
  x86_64-unknown-linux-musl                     cross-target

Next to each target name is that target's "type", one of:

  • native-target (a full toolchain)
  • cross-target (a toolchain for cross-compilation)
  • minimal (minimal toolchain components with no compilation support)

A native-target contains a full toolchain capable of running on the target natively (and compiling Rust code to that target as well).

A cross-target does not contain a compiler that runs on the target; but it does contain the Rust standard library component rust-std for the target, enabling cross-compilation to the target (using a native-target toolchain on another host).

A minimal target lacks rust-std but has some minimal components available. Typically a minimal target shows up by coincidence because it shares one or more components with another target. For example, at the time of this writing the minimal target mips-unknown-linux-gnu has no components of its own in toolchain 1.76.0, but it shares the component rust-docs with the more common target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu; therefore, downloading the full toolchain for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu will cause mips-unknown-linux-gnu to be present as a minimal toolchain.

Because most minimal targets are present only by coincidence and not useful, listing them is suppressed by default. Use --verbose to include them, e.g.:

.. code-block:: sh
romt toolchain list --select 'stable-latest' --verbose

With example output:

List: stable-2024-02-08
[verify] dist/2024-02-08/channel-rust-stable.toml
stable-2024-02-08(1.76.0)    targets[10/94]   packages[34/425]
  mips-unknown-linux-gnu                        minimal
  mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64                 minimal
  mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64               minimal
  mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu                      minimal
  mipsisa32r6-unknown-linux-gnu                 minimal
  mipsisa32r6el-unknown-linux-gnu               minimal
  mipsisa64r6-unknown-linux-gnuabi64            minimal
  mipsisa64r6el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64          minimal
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                      native-target
  x86_64-unknown-linux-musl                     cross-target

To suppress information about targets, use --quiet:

romt toolchain list --select 'stable-latest' --quiet

With example output:


With wildcards, Romt can provide a listing of all available toolchains for a given channel:

romt toolchain list -s 'nightly-*'

With example output:

nightly-2024-02-14(1.78.0)   targets[9/94]    packages[54/486]
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                      native-target
nightly-2023-10-31(1.75.0)   targets[9/95]    packages[54/488]
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                      native-target
nightly-2023-07-04(1.72.0)   targets[5/96]    packages[53/529]
  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                      native-target

After toolchain importation, it may be useful to list toolchains for each channel for reference:

romt toolchain list -s 'nightly-*' > nightly.txt
romt toolchain list -s 'beta-*' > beta.txt
romt toolchain list -s 'stable-*' > stable.txt

toolchain scenarios

For the laptop scenario, only the download command is needed. After downloading a toolchain, it will be available for serving via romt serve (or other means). For example, to download the latest stable toolchain for Linux:

romt toolchain download --select stable --target linux

For the disconnected network scenario, toolchains are downloaded and packed on an Internet-connected Export machine, then unpacked on an Import machine, e.g.:

  • On the Export machine:

    • First, download the latest stable toolchain for Linux into a local dist/ directory and pack it into an archive for transfer:

      romt toolchain download pack --select stable --target linux
    • Transfer the resulting toolchain.tar.gz file onto the Import machine.

  • On the Import machine:

    • Unpack the archive into a local dist/ directory:

      romt toolchain unpack

Miscellaneous commands

A few additional commands are provided for romt toolchain.

romt toolchain fetch-manifest is the same as download, but only the manifest is downloaded.

romt toolchain verify validates the SHA256 hashes and GPG signatures of on-disk toolchains. It is implicitly done as part of download and unpack.

romt toolchain all-targets prints a list of all known targets mentioned in the given SPEC.

Command-line option details

The option --warn-signature instructs Romt to treat signature failures as warnings instead of as failures. Signature files will still be downloaded and transferred. This might be helpful in case the signing key changes.

The option --no-signature prevents both downloading and checking of GPG signature files (*.asc). This is mainly for testing.

rustup operation

The rustup operation deals with the Rustup toolchain multiplexer.


Each rustup version is identified by a SPEC value which takes on one of the below forms:


In the above SPEC forms:

  • {version} is a version number of the form X.Y.Z.

  • A literal stable refers to the current stable version given in the release-stable.toml file (described later).

  • A literal * (asterisk) is a wildcard that expands to all on-disk versions.

  • A literal latest is a wildcard that expands to the latest on-disk version.

  • Wildcards (* and latest) may not be used when downloading, but stable is permitted.

  • SPEC values are given by the option --select SPEC. Multiple SPEC options may be given, and each SPEC will be split at commas and whitespace to produce a list of desired SPEC values. E.g.:

    --select stable,1.20.0 --select '1.19.0 1.20.1'


See the TARGET section of Commonalities above for details.


Downloading is requested via the romt rustup download command.

A rustup executable is specified by a SPEC/TARGET pair. Both must be given. Wildcarding (via * or latest) is not permitted, though SPEC may be the literal stable to download the latest stable release, and TARGET may be the literal all to download all known targets for the SPEC.

Files are downloaded from by default; this may be changed via the option --url <URL>.

Files are downloaded to the destination directory rustup/ by default; this may be changed via the option --dest DEST.

When downloaded, files will be stored on-disk in the following layout:



  • release-stable.toml is a configuration file that indicates the most recent stable version of rustup.
  • {version} is a rustup version of the form X.Y.Z.
  • {target} represents a target tuple (e.g., x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu).
  • {rustup} is the name of the rustup executable. On most platforms, this is rustup-init; on Windows, it's rustup-init.exe.

For example, if version 1.21.1 were the most recent stable version, after downloading with this command:

romt rustup download --select stable --target linux

The tree would contain:


For convenience, all targets found in the most recently released rustup version will be copied directly into the rustup/dist/ directory.

Because the release-stable.toml file is subject to change, this file will be re-downloaded during a download command when SPEC is stable.


Downloaded rustup executables may be packed into an ARCHIVE file using the romt rustup pack command.

The archive file may be moved to another machine and unpacked using the romt rustup unpack command.

For both pack and unpack, the ARCHIVE file is named rustup.tar.gz by default; this may be changed via the option --archive ARCHIVE.

An unpack command automatically performs a verify (described below). In addition, the rustup/dist/ tree is created automatically during unpack as part of a fixup operation (described below).

An archive file contains files from rustup/archive/{version} subdirectories only. Given the example above for the download command, the ARCHIVE would contain only these files:



Each rustup version is stored in a directory of the form rustup/archive/{version}.

The "fixup" operation is responsible for copying the most recent on-disk rustup version to rustup/dist/, and for updating rustup/release-stable.toml to contain the most recent version number.

A fixup operation may be explicitly requested via the romt rustup fixup command, though that should rarely be required because it is automatically performed after any download or unpack command.

Consider the example above for the download command that generated the following archive contents:


Assuming this is the latest on-disk version, the fixup command would copy rustup/archive/1.21.1 to rustup/archive as shown below, and it would create release-stable.toml to point to version 1.21.1:


Listing downloaded rustup versions

The romt rustup list command prints information about on-disk rustup versions for the provided SPEC values. Wildcards are permitted.

For example, the most recent on-disk version can be shown via:

romt rustup list --select 'latest'

With example output:

List: 1.21.1
1.21.1   targets[1]

To suppress information about targets, use --quiet:

romt rustup list --select 'latest' --quiet

With example output:


With wildcards, Romt can provide a listing of all available rustup versions:

romt rustup list -s '*'

With example output:

List: 1.21.1
1.21.1   targets[1]
List: 1.21.0
1.21.0   targets[1]
List: 1.20.0
1.20.0   targets[1]

rustup scenarios

For the laptop scenario, only the download command is needed. After downloading a rustup executable, it will be available for serving via romt serve (or other means). For example, to download the latest stable rustup for Linux:

romt rustup download --select stable --target linux

For the disconnected network scenario, rustup versions are downloaded and packed on an Internet-connected Export machine, then unpacked on an Import machine, e.g.:

  • On the Export machine:

    • First, download the latest stable rustup for Linux into a local rustup/ directory and pack it into an archive for transfer:

      romt rustup download pack --select stable --target linux
    • Transfer the resulting rustup.tar.gz file onto the Import machine.

  • On the Import machine:

    • Unpack the archive into a local rustup/ directory:

      romt rustup unpack

Miscellaneous commands

A few additional commands are provided for romt rustup.

romt rustup verify validates the SHA256 hashes of on-disk rustup executables. It is implicitly done as part of download and unpack.

romt rustup all-targets prints a list of all known targets in Romt's hard-coded list.

crate operation

The crate operation deals with crates (community-written packages of Rust source code) from the server INDEX

Individual crates are indexed via a Git repository called INDEX. By default, INDEX is cloned from; this may be changed with the option --index-url INDEX_URL.

The INDEX contains one text file for each crate name, where each line of the file is a JSON-formatted description of a single version of that crate. When a new crate file is uploaded, another line is appended to the file and a new commit is made.

The on-disk INDEX directory defaults to git/; it may be changed via the option --index INDEX.

INDEX branches

INDEX is essentially a standard Git clone with some additional conventions. It uses the following branches:

  • remotes/origin/master

    The master branch of the origin repository. Typically this is the repository on Github given by the default value of INDEX_URL.

  • master

    The local master branch. This is based on remotes/origin/master, with possible changes to the config.json file (described later).

  • origin_master

    A local convenience branch that tracks remotes/origin/master. This makes it easy to push master and remotes/origin/master to a server.

  • mark

    A branch for tracking progress (detailed later).

  • working

    A branch checked out to the working tree and used for merging and modifying repository content; changes are then published atomically to the master branch to avoid race conditions.

INDEX file structure

To keep the number of files in each directory down to a manageable size, the text files for each crate are distributed into subdirectories based on the first few characters of the crate's name. The path within INDEX for a crate named {crate} is given by {prefix}/{crate}, where {prefix} is calculated based on the length of the crate's name; variations exist for 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-or-more characters:

{prefix} crate name length crate name (as lowercase)
1 1 a
2 2 ab
3/a 3 abc
ab/cd 4 or more abcd*

The directory names are based on the crate name converted to lowercase so that the repository may be cloned on case-insensitive filesystems (such as on Windows).

For example, the file for the serde crate would be found by default at git/

In addition to per-crate files, there is a config.json file in the INDEX that configures the URL for downloading crate files.

INDEX range

A RANGE is defined by a START commit and an END commit. The changes made to the INDEX between START and END represent the list of crates in RANGE that were uploaded to

Because START and END represent Git commits, any valid Git commit reference may be used. In addition, START may be given the value 0 when there is no starting commit, in which case all commits through END are in RANGE.

The START commit is selected via the option --start START.

The END commit is selected via the option --end END.

In general, START and END must both be valid commits in the INDEX; but because Git branches can't refer to an empty commit, there is no way to initialize a branch name to a value (like 0) that means "the start of the repository". To handle this case, the option --allow-missing-start indicates that Romt should treat an unknown branch name for START to be the same as 0.

Crate files

Crate files (*.crate) are tarballs containing Rust source code. Filenames follow the naming convention {crate}-{version}.crate, where {crate} is the name of the crate (e.g., serde) and {version} is the crate's version number in the form X.Y.Z.

The URL for a given crate file is given by the template CRATES_URL. The default value is{crate}/{crate}-{version}.crate; it may be changed with the option --crates-url CRATES_URL.

For each crate, the CRATES_URL template will be expanded by replacing {crate} with the name of the crate and {version} with its version. For example, the default URL for version 1.0.99 of the serde crate would be:

In addition, {prefix} and {lowerprefix} will be replaced with the crate's prefix and lowercase prefix, respectively (where the construction of the prefix is explained below).

As an alternative, to use the API for downloading crates, set CRATES_URL to:{crate}/{version}/download

Crate filtering

The INDEX RANGE implies a set of changes (additions, modifications, or removals) made to the INDEX. By default, all crates implied by the RANGE will be used. To restrict to a subset of those crates, crate filters may be used.

A crate filter is of the general form crate_pattern@version_pattern. Patterns use file glob syntax (as found in Python's fnmatch module):

  • * matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
  • ? matches any single character.
  • [seq] matches any character in seq.
  • [!seq] matches any character not in seq.

So, for example:

  • c* matches c, c2, and cat, but not 1cat.
  • c? matches c1 and c2, but not c or cat.
  • [ch]*[!g] matches cat, hi, and heat, but not c, bat or bag.

Sequences may use - to imply a range; for example, [a-g] is the same as [abcdefg].

If a pattern is empty, it will be treated as *.

Operations that apply to the crates in RANGE will be limited by crate filters. For example, romt crate list --filter mycrate would list all versions of the crate named mycrate, and romt crate list --filter mycrate@0.1.0 would list only version 0.1.0 of mycrate.

Use --filter FILTER to supply filter(s) directly on the command line. Use --filter-file FILTER_FILE to read filter(s) from one or more FILTER_FILE files (as if each line were given via --filter). Both --filter and --filter-file may be given multiple times; their effects aggregate.

A FILTER will be split on runs of spaces, commas, and semi-colons to make it easier to specify multiple filters in one --filter switch. For example, these are equivalent:

romt crate list --filter 'a,b;c,; ,;d'
romt crate list --filter a --filter b --filter c --filter d

If a filter contains @, it will be split into crate_pattern@version_pattern components; otherwise, the filter will be used for the crate_pattern portion and version_pattern is implied to be *. For example, these pairs are equivalent:

mycrate     mycrate@*
mycrate@    mycrate@*
@           *@*
@1.0.?      *@1.0.?

Crate filters are applied case-insensitively.


Crate files (*.crate) are stored on-disk in a directory tree rooted at CRATES_ROOT, which defaults to crates/ and may be changed via the option --crates CRATES_ROOT.

As with the INDEX, crate files are distributed into subdirectories based on the first few characters of the crate's name. By default, the prefixes are lowercase (unless forced to mixed-case via romt crate --prefix=mixed). Romt versions before 0.4.0 used mixed-case prefixes exclusively, as the author did not know how to compute lowercase prefixes in nginx rules (this is now solved using Perl with nginx). Mixed-case prefixes caused problems when accessing a crates mirror via both case-sensitive and case-insensitive shares simultaneously, so lowercase prefixes are now preferred.

{prefix} crate name length crate name
1 1 a
2 2 ab
3/a 3 abc
ab/cd 4 or more abcd*

A crate with name {crate} and version {version} is found within CRATES_ROOT at {prefix}/{crate}/{crate}-{version}.crate.

For example, version 1.0.99 of the serde crate would be found by default at crates/se/rd/serde/serde-1.0.99.crate.


The INDEX and CRATES_ROOT areas must be initialized before use. The initialization method depends on the use.

The romt crate init command creates the INDEX and CRATES_ROOT areas and prepares the INDEX as a Git repository with remote named origin that points to a Git remote given by INDEX_URL. This is suitable for the laptop scenario and for the Export machine in the disconnected network scenario.

The romt crate init-import command is for use on the Import machine in the disconnected scenario. It's similar to init, but instead of configuring INDEX's origin remote to INDEX_URL, it configures origin to be a local bundle file at BUNDLE_PATH that conveys INDEX commits sent from the Export machine. Subsequent unpack commands will query the url key for the origin remote within INDEX to determine BUNDLE_PATH. The default value of BUNDLE_PATH is origin.bundle within the INDEX directory; this may be changed via --bundle-path BUNDLE_PATH.

By default, crate files are stored on-disk using lowercase prefixes. Using romt crate --prefix=mixed forces the use of mixed-case prefixes (as used in Romt before version 0.4.0). Lowercase prefixes are recommended. Romt will not permit the use of --prefix=mixed when using case-insensitive filesystems (such as on Windows) to avoid creating unpredictable-case prefixes due to case aliasing issues.

Romt (as of version 0.4.0) creates a config.toml file in CRATES_ROOT as an implementation detail to aid in the transition to lowercase crate prefixes; users should generally not have to interact with it. Future versions of Romt may remove this configuration file and use lowercase prefixes exclusively.


After initialization via init or init-import, the local INDEX repository will be properly setup. If the INDEX contents will be served to clients directly (e.g., for the laptop scenario or the Import machine in the offline network scenario), it must be configured for the URL of the offline server by editing the file config.json within the top-level directory of INDEX. The default contents of config.json (as found on Github) are:

  "dl": "",
  "api": ""

The dl key in particular informs cargo and other INDEX consumers how to download crate files cataloged by INDEX.

The romt crate config command edits config.json based on the value of SERVER_URL; this defaults to http://localhost:8000 (as used by romt serve, described later). It may be changed via the option --server-url SERVER_URL.

Given SERVER_URL, the dl key will be set to:


By default, this will be:


Rust tooling (e.g., Cargo) will start with the value of the dl key and substitute {crate} with the name of the crate and {version} with the crate's version number to form the URL for a given crate file.

Only the SERVER_URL portion of the dl key is currently configurable; the rest of the URL is hard-coded to match the conventions of romt serve. However, any changes manually committed to config.json will be preserved by subsequent Romt operations.

Changes to config.json are committed to the local working branch, and ultimately published to the local master branch (via the mark command). As upstream commits are merged into master, Romt will ensure that the local config.json changes take precedence over possible upstream changes.


Romt uses a branch named mark as a commit placeholder within INDEX. It tracks progress through the INDEX, marking one operation's END commit for use as the next operation's START commit.

The romt crate mark command sets both the mark branch and the master branch to the commit indicated by END. START defaults to mark such that subsequent operations pick up where previous ones left off. END defaults to HEAD (generally the working branch) such that RANGE includes all unprocessed commits.

Note that working copy modifications (merges and edits) are done on the working branch. Changes won't be visible on the master branch until after the mark command is executed, ensuring clients won't see partially complete modifications while the repository is being updated.

Pulling INDEX commits

Before downloading crate files, the INDEX must be updated. The romt crate pull command fetches the latest commits from INDEX's origin remote into the remotes/origin/master branch, then marks this location in the local branch origin_master for convenience of reference. The fetched commits are then merged into the HEAD branch (typically working), preserving any local modifications that may have been made to config.json. If the merge operation fails, the working copy is reset to remotes/origin/master and any local changes to config.json that may have been present in HEAD before the pull are re-applied.

Note: In Romt version 0.1.3 and earlier, HEAD defaulted to master, leaving a small race window where partial modifications to the repository could be visible to clients (e.g., master might include mention of a crate that hasn't yet been downloaded). Therefore, Romt now defaults to using the branch working for merging and other modifications to the repository. These changes won't be visible on master until the mark command is invoked. At each pull operation, Romt will upgrade the repository to use a working branch if HEAD is not set to working and the working branch does not yet exist. To avoid this, pre-create a working branch (with arbitrary content) before executing a pull command, and Romt will not switch HEAD to working.


At times, crates may be removed from the index. If a previously downloaded file is deleted upstream, it may be pruned from the CRATES_ROOT tree (along with any now-empty subdirectories).

The subset of crate files to prune is determined by the RANGE of commits (from START through END) in the INDEX. Each file with a deletion implied by the changes to RANGE will be removed from CRATES_ROOT.


Downloading of crate files is requested via the romt crate download command.

The subset of crate files to download is determined by the RANGE of commits (from START through END) in the INDEX. Each file is downloaded from the upstream location indicated by CRATES_URL as explained previously. As part of downloading, Romt verifies the SHA256 hash of each crate against the value stored in INDEX to ensure file integrity.

Each crate file is stored below CRATES_ROOT using the prefix mechanism described earlier.

Sometimes individual crate files are removed from the upstream mirror. Romt warns about such failures and continues with the rest of the crates in the RANGE. After attempting all crates in RANGE, by default Romt will abort if any crates failed to download. The option --keep-going allows Romt to continue past download failures to subsequent steps (e.g., packing an archive file).

Use --good-crates GOOD_CRATES to write the list of "good" crates into the file GOOD_CRATES. Similarly, use --bad-crates BAD_CRATES to write the list of "bad" crates into the file BAD_CRATES. By default, the output for these files will be of the form crate@version. With the --show-path switch, the .crate file names will be listed with their relative paths. With the --show-hash switch (which implies the --show-path switch), the .crate files will be listed with their SHA256 hashes as well. This is the same format as provided by romt crate list; see examples in the section "Listing crate files".


The romt crate pack command creates a Git bundle file of the commits in RANGE, then packs the bundle file along with the downloaded crate files included in RANGE into an ARCHIVE file.

The archive file may be moved to another machine and unpacked using the unpack command.

For both pack and unpack, the ARCHIVE file is named crates.tar.gz by default; this may be changed via the option --archive ARCHIVE.

For the pack command, a Git bundle file is written to disk at BUNDLE_PATH before being inserted into the ARCHIVE. The default value of BUNDLE_PATH is origin.bundle within the INDEX directory; this may be changed via --bundle-path BUNDLE_PATH.

An unpack command extracts the Git bundle file and all crate files, placing the bundle at the BUNDLE_PATH value specified with the init-import command. Crate files are unpacked into CRATES_ROOT. Note that crate files are not verified automatically as part of the unpack operation.

An archive file uses the directory structure of CRATES_ROOT for crate files and the default on-disk location for the Git, and it places the Git bundle file into the archive with the hard-coded path git/ For example:



The romt crate verify command checks the integrity of each downloaded crate included in RANGE within INDEX. Using the SHA256 hash values contained in INDEX for each crate file, Romt ensures that the downloaded crate files have not been corrupted and that no files in RANGE are missing.

romt crate verify supports the --good-crates and --bad-crates switches in the same way as romt crate download; see the section "Downloading" for details.

update, export, and import

For each of the three main use cases, there is short command name that implies the needed steps:

  • update is the same as pull prune download mark. This is useful for the laptop scenario.
  • export is the same as pull prune download pack mark. This is useful for the Export machine in the disconnected network scenario.
  • import is the same as unpack pull prune verify mark. This is useful for the Import machine in the disconnected network scenario.

Listing crate files

The romt crate list command prints the name and version for each crate included in RANGE within INDEX, independent of whether those crate files have been downloaded.

For example, to see what new crates are available, first pull the latest INDEX and then list:

romt crate pull list

With example output:


Any crates in the RANGE which have been deleted will be listed with a leading hyphen; in the example above, scd@0.1.3 has been deleted.

With the --show-path switch, the .crate file names will be listed with their relative paths, e.g.:

romt crate pull list --show-path

With example output:


With the --show-hash switch (which implies the --show-path switch), the .crate files will be listed with their SHA256 hashes as well, e.g.:

romt crate pull list --show-hash

With example output:

f4917b7233397091baf9136eec3c669c8551b097d69ca2b00a2606e5f07641d1 *2/gc/gc-0.3.4.crate
f1e5e58ddd0cfe68b71d5769bec054a98b3adcb3603227b016b2cc6aebee5555 *3/b/brs/brs-0.2.0.crate
e2fe8aa3d549e84c89e72a8621281a3f90a6ea771cacf7ed2553f464e49294e0 *3/c/cxx/cxx-0.3.1.crate
245071fa25b5ca1a9995cbc18a5f0bf64e514590525ae96e7d626fe40498440d *3/i/irc/irc-0.14.0.crate
-38d847429df942e4db01c64d4119d4d0b9cde270336d2aa4848e80ec8f418b8c *3/s/scd/scd-0.1.3.crate

Because the output is in the format expected by the sha256sum utility, you can use the output of romt crate list --show-hash to verify all crate files as follows:

romt crate list --start 0 --show-hash > crates.sha256
(cd crates; sha256sum -c ../crates.sha256)

crate scenarios

For the laptop scenario, only the update command is needed, after which crates will be available for serving via romt serve (or other means). For example, to download the latest crates:

romt crate update

For the disconnected network scenario, crate versions are downloaded and packed on an Internet-connected Export machine, then unpacked on an Import machine, e.g.:

  • On the Export machine:

    • First, download the latest crates and pack them into crates.tar.gz:

      romt crate export
    • Transfer the resulting crates.tar.gz file onto the Import machine.

  • On the Import machine:

    • Unpack the archive:

      romt crate import

Crate file cleanup

Prior to Romt version 0.7.0, Romt did not expect crates to be removed or modified once published; however, crates may in fact be removed from in certain circumstances, and after removal a crate may be re-published with a different hash. With prior versions of Romt, crates deleted from the INDEX were not deleted from the crates/ directory. Crates deleted from the INDEX and then re-published with a different hash were not detected, leaving the old .crate file in the crates/ directory.

Romt now detects removals and modifications to crates in the INDEX; it will delete obsolete .crate files and re-download any modified .crate file. This will be done for any crates in the RANGE, but it will not be done retroactively for crates that were missed in previous updates.

To detect any crates that have been modified and should be re-downloaded, use the verify command across all known crates:

romt crate verify --start 0 --bad-crates bad-crates

If bad-crates contains any crates, re-download and pack just the bad crates via:

.. code-block:: sh
romt crate download pack --start 0 --filter-file bad-crates

crates.tar.gz may then be imported as usual.

Any leftover crate files that were removed from INDEX but which remain in crates/ are harmless and may be left in-place. Should such a crate be published with a new hash in the future, the new .crate will automatically be downloaded and used. If desired, the files may be detected and removed using Unix command-line tooling (assuming GNU find and comm are available) as follows:

  • Create a sorted listing of all crate paths currently in the INDEX:

    romt crate --start 0 --show-path list | sort > crates-list
  • Create a sorted listing of all crate paths currently in the crates/ directory:

    find crates -name '*.crate' -printf '%P\n' | sort > crates-find
  • List all paths in crates/ that are not in the INDEX:

    comm -23 crates-find crates-list > crates-extra

    Examine the contents of crates-extra to make sure you want to remove these obsolete files.

  • (optional) Create crates-extra.tar containing .crate files about to be removed:

    tar -C crates -cf crates-extra.tar -T crates-extra
  • Remove all files listed in crates-extra:

    cat crates-extra | (cd crates; xargs rm)

serve operation

The serve operation runs a local HTTP server exposing toolchain, rustup, and crate artifacts.

serve URL

By default, romt serve listens at the following URL:


To use http://ADDR:PORT, use the switches --bind ADDR and/or --port PORT.

serve directory layout

romt serve expects the current working directory ($PWD) to contain all artifacts being served. Artifacts must be laid out in their default locations described elsewhere, as follows:


URLs of the form http://ADDR:PORT/{path} generally map directly to $PWD/{path}; exceptions are noted below.

URLs with paths below /crates/ are expected to be of the following form:


romt serve will rewrite the URL to insert the expected {prefix} used in CRATES_ROOT, effectively transforming the URLs to:


URLs with paths below /git/ refer to Git repositories. Romt uses git-http-backend as distributed with Git to serve these repositories. For this purpose, romt serve uses a cgi-bin/ directory in the current working directory to interface via CGI with git-http-backend.

Upon launching romt serve, Romt searches for one of the following files in cgi-bin/ (depending on the platform):

  • On Windows:

  • On non-Windows:

If found, Romt will use that file for serving Git repositories via CGI. If not found, Romt will look in known locations for the git-http-backend executable and create a platform-dependent wrapper script in cgi-bin/ to invoke the executable; the script is named git-http-backend.bat on Windows and on non-Windows.

Currently, Romt probes for the backend in these hard-coded locations (depending on the platform):

  • On Windows:
    • C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend.exe
  • On non-Windows:
    • /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend (typical Linux)
    • /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend (Alpine Linux)

To manually setup the Git backend, create a script file in cgi-bin/ with contents similar to these examples (depending on platform):

  • On Windows, create cgi-bin/git-http-backend.bat with contents:

    @echo off
    "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core\git-http-backend.exe"
  • On non-Windows, create cgi-bin/ with contents:

    exec '/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend'

    Then make the script executable:

    chmod +x cgi-bin/

nginx configuration

Rust artifacts may optionally be served via the nginx web server. A simple example for Ubuntu Linux is shown below. If you change host or port values below, configure the index repository via: .. code-block:: sh

romt crate config --server-url <SERVER_URL>

nginx with Perl support and fcgiwrap are required. On Ubuntu, these may be installed via:

apt install nginx-extras fcgiwrap

Below is a sample nginx configuration.

Place the following content into /etc/nginx/sites-available/rust. Make adjustments as indicated by each TODO. These instructions assume crates are stored using lowercase prefixes; if using mixed-case prefixes, adjust as directed by the TODO comments:

server {
  listen 8000 default_server;
  listen [::]:8000 default_server;

  # TODO: Change to absolute path to mirror directory:
  root /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/mirror;

  server_name _;

  location / {
    autoindex on;

  # Support serving of Git repositories via git-http-backend.
  location ~ /git(/.*) {

    # TODO: Change to absolute path to mirror/git directory:
    fastcgi_param GIT_PROJECT_ROOT    /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/mirror/git;

    include       fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_pass  unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME     /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend;
    fastcgi_param GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL "";
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO           $1;

  # Support "sparse" `` protocol.
  location ~ /crates-index/(.*) {

    # TODO: Change to absolute path to mirror/git directory:
    fastcgi_param CRATE_INDEX_ROOT    /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/mirror/git/;

    include       fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_pass  unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
    # TODO: Adjust path to `cgi-crates-index` CGI script as needed:
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME     /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgi-crates-index;
    fastcgi_param GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL "";
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO           $1;

  # Rewrite URLs like /crates/{crate}/{crate}-{version}.crate to use
  # a prefix based on the crate name.  Special cases for crate names
  # with 1, 2, 3, and 4-or-more characters:
  #   a/a-{version}.crate         -> 1/a/a-{version}.crate
  #   ab/ab-{version}.crate       -> 2/aa/ab-{version}.crate
  #   abc/abc-{version}.crate     -> 3/a/abc/abc-{version}.crate
  #   abcd*/abcd*-{version}.crate -> ab/cd/abcd*-{version}.crate

  # TODO: Comment out this line for mixed-case crate prefixes:
  rewrite "^/crates/.*$" "$crates_uri"  last;

  # TODO: Uncomment these four lines for mixed-case crate prefixes:
  # rewrite "^/crates/([^/])/([^/]+)$"                     "/crates/1/$1/$2"  last;
  # rewrite "^/crates/([^/]{2})/([^/]+)$"                  "/crates/2/$1/$2"  last;
  # rewrite "^/crates/([^/])([^/]{2})/([^/]+)$"            "/crates/3/$1/$1$2/$3"  last;
  # rewrite "^/crates/([^/]{2})([^/]{2})([^/]*)/([^/]+)$"  "/crates/$1/$2/$1$2$3/$4" last;


Serving the with the "sparse" protocol requires the creation of the following cgi-crates-index CGI script. On Ubuntu, such scripts live in /usr/lib/cgi-bin; e.g.:

  • Create /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory if necessary:
mkdir -p /usr/lib/cgi-bin
  • Create /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgi-crates-index with contents:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    sub send_content {
        my ($content_type, $body) = @_;
        my $content_length = length($body);
        print "Content-Type: $content_type\r\n";
        print "Content-Length: $content_length\r\n";
        print "\r\n";
        print "$body"
    sub send_404 {
        print "Status: 404 Not Found\r\n";
        send_content('text/html', <<'END');
    <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
    <h1>404 Not Found</h1>
    my $repo = $ENV{CRATE_INDEX_ROOT};
    my $path_info = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || "config.json";
    my $pipe;
    if (open($pipe, '-|', "git -C $repo show master:$path_info")) {
        my $body;
            local $/; # Slurp mode.
            $body = <$pipe>;
        if (close($pipe)) {
            send_content('application/octet-stream', $body);
        } else {
    } else {

    Note that the user running the CGI script must own the tree or else Git may throw errors such as:

    fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/.../'
  • Make /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgi-crates-index executable:

    chmod +x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cgi-crates-index

Serving crates with lowercase prefixes requires Perl support in nginx (on Ubuntu, this requires the package nginx-extras instead of nginx-full); Perl support is not required for mixed-case prefixes. To serve crates with lowercase prefixes, create the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/perl.conf with the below contents:

# Reference:
# Include the perl module
perl_modules perl/lib;

# The variable `$crates_uri` will be computed by the Perl subroutine
# below, adding a lowercase prefix as required based on the crate name.

perl_set $crates_uri 'sub {
    my $r = shift;
    my $uri = $r->uri;
    # Remove all newline characters to avoid CRLF injection vulnerability
    # (
    $uri =~ s/\R//g;

    if ($uri =~ m@^/crates/([^/])/([^/]+)$@) {
        $uri = "/crates/1/" . "$1/$2";
    } elsif ($uri =~ m@^/crates/([^/]{2})/([^/]+)$@) {
        $uri = "/crates/2/" . "$1/$2";
    } elsif ($uri =~ m@^/crates/([^/])([^/]{2})/([^/]+)$@) {
        $uri = lc("/crates/3/$1/") . "$1$2/$3";
    } elsif ($uri =~ m@^/crates/([^/]{2})([^/]{2})([^/]*)/([^/]+)$@) {
        $uri = lc("/crates/$1/$2/") . "$1$2$3/$4";
    return $uri;

Activate the rust site via:

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/rust /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Amazon S3 storage

Currently static artifacts hosted on Rust CDNs are served via Amazon S3 buckets. At times directly accessing the bucket can be helpful.

A helpful command-line tool for use with S3 buckets is awscli:

Rust https URLs map to S3 bucket URLs as follows:

Note: unfortunately, the "list" privilege is disabled for the crates-io bucket.

Here are some common operations on S3 buckets:

  • List files beginning with PREFIX:

    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://BUCKET_NAME/PREFIX

    Add --recursive flag to recurse into subdirectories.

  • Download a file:

    aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://BUCKET_NAME/path/file local_file


  • List channel files for toolchain for 2020-04-30:

    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://static-rust-lang-org/dist/2020-04-30/chan

    with example output:

    2020-04-29 20:23:44         10 channel-rust-nightly-date.txt
    2020-04-29 20:23:44        833 channel-rust-nightly-date.txt.asc
    2020-04-29 20:23:44         96 channel-rust-nightly-date.txt.sha256
    2020-04-29 20:23:44         40 channel-rust-nightly-git-commit-hash.txt
  • List rustup versions:

    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://static-rust-lang-org/rustup/archive/

    with example output:

    PRE 0.2.0/
    PRE 0.3.0/
    PRE 0.4.0/
  • Download serde-1.0.99.crate:

    aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://crates-io/crates/serde/serde-1.0.99.crate .

    This is functionally equivalent to:

    curl -O


Proxy server troubleshooting

The author has not tested Romt with a proxy server, but user feedback indicates it's possible (see #10). The httpx library's support for proxying is documented at:

httpx understands several environment variables (documented at in the "Proxies" section) that may be used to influence proxy operation. For example:


    Valid values: A URL to a proxy

    HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY set the proxy to be used for http, https, or all requests respectively.


    export HTTP_PROXY=
    # This request will be sent through the proxy
    python -c "import httpx; httpx.get('')"
    # This request will be sent directly, as we set `trust_env=False`
    python -c "import httpx; httpx.get('', trust_env=False)"

    Valid values: a comma-separated list of hostnames/urls

    NO_PROXY disables the proxy for specific urls


    export HTTP_PROXY=
    export NO_PROXY=,

In addition, httpx has information about debugging proxy-related issues at:

Also, httpx can produce more debugging information by setting the environment variable HTTPX_LOG_LEVEL to trace (as documented at As a sample invocation on Linux:

HTTPX_LOG_LEVEL=trace romt toolchain -v -s nightly -t all fetch-manifest

Download timeouts

Romt 0.3.0 added support for simultaneous downloading based on the httpx library; this came with a a default timeout of five seconds which can lead to ConnectTimeout or ReadTimeout errors depending on choice of --num-jobs and network characteristics (see #16).

Romt 0.4.0 adds a --timeout switch to control this timeout, and changed the default value to sixty seconds. If timeouts are still occurring, use a larger timeout value (or use --timeout 0 to disable timeouts altogether).



Romt (Rust Offline Mirror Tool) aids in using the Rust programming language in an offline context.







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