This release contains the following content:
- Bugfixes:
- Build system:
- CPack: Properly handle the case where FREEDV_HASH doesn't exist. (PR #345)
- Enhancements:
List of binary builds provided for this release:
- FreeDV-1.8.8-windows-i686.exe (32 bit Windows for Intel/AMD)
- FreeDV-1.8.8-windows-x86_64.exe (64 bit Windows for Intel/AMD, recommended for most Windows PCs)
- FreeDV-1.8.8-windows-armv7.exe (32 bit Windows for ARM)
- FreeDV-1.8.8-windows-aarch64.exe (64 bit Windows for ARM)
- FreeDV.dmg (Intel/ARM universal binary for macOS)
Note: This release does not contain 2020C support. See here for a build with support.