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Nodejs api based on Neutrium.thermo.IAPWS97

POST methods

body: { "p": 3000000, "s": 3.4 } /iapws97_PS

body: { "p": 3000000, "h": 1500 } /iapws97_PH

body: { "p": 3000000, "t": 300 } /iapws97_PT

body: { "h": 1500, "s": 3.4 } /iapws97_HS



	p, 		// Pressure, p, Pa
	t, 		// Temperature, t, K
	v, 		// Specific volume, v, m^3/kg
	rho,	// Density, rho, kg/m^3
	u,		// Specific internal energy, u, kJ/kg
	s,		// Specific entropy, s, kJ/kg
	h, 		// Specific enthalpy, h, kJ/kg.K
	cp,		// Specific isobaric heat capacity, Cp kJ/kg.K
	cv,		// Specific isochoric heat capacity, Cv
	w,		// Speed of Sound, w, m/s
	mu,		// Viscosity cP,
	k,		// Thermal Conductivity W/m.K
	sigma,	// Surface Tension mN/m
	epsilon,// Dielectric constant
	ic		// Ionisation constant