An Ansible role that installs, configures and runs Passware Kit Agent on CentOS 7.x or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
In order to deploy Passware Kit Agent you will need:
- Ansible installed on your deployer machine
In order to install Passware Kit Agent for Linux role you can use the following command.
$ ansible-galaxy install passware.passware-kit-agent
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
- vars:
pk_agent_user_name: passware
pk_agent_user_group: passware
pk_agent_home_dir_name: /home/passware
pk_agent_work_dir_name: /home/passware/passware-kit-agent
pk_agent_logs_dir_name: /home/passware/logs
pk_agent_service_name: passware-kit-agent
In order to deploy you need to perform some steps:
- Create a new
) file. Check ansible inventory documentation if you need help. This file will identify all the hosts where to deploy to. - Create a new playbook for deploying, for example,
- Customize role variables (see Role Variables)
- Include the
role as part of a play - Run the deployment playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy.yml
- hosts: servers
- { role: passware.passware-kit-agent }
Passware. Inc 800 West El Camino Real, Suite 180 Mountain View, CA 94040