A Home Assistant (code on Github component for interfacing with the IKEA Dioder LED system.
This code assumes the a setup using the following parts:
- Raspberry Pi (here: Model B+ or newer)
- Adafruit (or similar, e.g. SunFounder) PCA9685 12xPWM driver for I2C
- ULN2003 Transistor array for accessing the Dioder's 12V supply
Similar to this Fritzing project, we replace the Dioder's controller entirely.
Here's a short description of the setup: The PCA9685 is coupled to the Raspberry Pi via its native I2C interface; SDA/SDC on the PCA9685 board are connected to SDA.SDC of the ULN2003. On its output side, we connect the pins from DIODER's 12V supply for GND and V+ as well as the pins for R, G, B (in that order) to the ULN outputs 0 - 2 (photo to come).
To get the I2C bus running, the following steps have to be taken (for Home Assistant's Python VENV):
- Install
python3-dev libi2c-dev
- Add user homeassistant to group
- Inside of the HA Pip environment, build and install python3-smbus from
Assuming the HA/SW setup from above, moving the included pidioder.py
the component (assuming an All-in-One HA installation).
Then, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml
platform: pidioder
name: My PiDioder
Naturally, the name is up to your choice!
That's it! If everything has worked out, you should have the following interface on your HA state screen: