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Prometheus is a Python template project with utilities like

  • File system event (file / directory create, move, update, delete) monitor, and event routing to handlers
  • Class library for in-memory file representations (base type for any file and file format specific sub classes csv, xlsx, xml etc...)
  • Multi process, producer / consumer Redis task queues
  • Base type for serializing and de-serializing instance to and from Redis
  • Single file environment configuration through cli flag
  • Extended Box client with built in rate limiting and other utils
  • Store and retrieve Box API tokens from Redis
  • Async event loop task worker limiter
  • Async io HTTP client
  • Async io Redis client
  • Async io web API
  • Async io file operations
  • React web GUI
  • Docker image builder
  • Docker container orchestration
  • Unit tests
  • Dynamic import of modules, types and class instantiation during runtime
  • HTTP request rate limiter
  • Command line interface
  • Logging configuration
  • Slack log handler
  • Twilio sms log handler

Application Architecture

Domain Model

Box Client

  • boxsdk.Client - REST client interface into Box Platform APIs
  • sentinel.box_client.SentinelBoxClient - Box Consulting boxsdk.Client subclass
  • sentinel.http_client.RateLimiter - sentinel.box_client.SentinelBoxClient integrated rate limiting

Redis Client

  • redis.Redis - client interface into Redis cache

Sentinel Type

  • sentinel.bc_type.SentinelType - type for simple inspection of Python slot attributes assigned for memory efficient object instantiation

File System

  • sentinel.file_system.files.bc_file.SentinelFile - sentinel.bc_type.SentinelType subclass. In memory representation of files with operating system and Box utilities

  • sentinel.file_system.files.bc_file.YMLFile - sentinel.file_system.files.bc_file.BCFile subclass with yml file associated utilities

  • sentinel.file_system.files.config_file.SentinelConfigFile - sentinel.file_system.files.bc_file.YMLFile subclass with configuration file associated utilities

  • sentinel.file_system.files.csv_file.CSVFile - sentinel.file_system.files.bc_file.BCFile subclass with csv file associated utilities


Functional programming layer to instantiate the domain model class library and manipulate state with custom logic

  • sentinel.manager.redis_client.* - Redis query utilities

Command Line Interface

Exposes the manager layer to users through the command line

  • sentinel.cli.redis_client.* - Redis query utilities
  • sentinel.cli.main - CLI package entry point and module specific command registration

Docker Container Orchestration

  • docker-compose.yml - Docker container management through Docker Compose to run Redis as a container with networking configured for communication between Docker Engine and the host

Test Suite

  • test.test_* - Template pytest unit test that can be extended by KKR engineers to integrate test coverage
  • test.conftest - Template test fixture
  • pytest.ini - pytest configuration

Python Virtual Environment

  • env/* - Utility to create isolated Python environments with access to an interpreter with Sentinel specific dependencies installed


  • data/* - Non executable application state


  • data/configuration/*.yml -> log - Python logging dictionary configuration supporting multiple environments
  • data/log/*.log -> Agent log files
  • sentinel.log.SlackLogHandler - Log handler that KKR engineers can integrate into an environment specific log configuration for real time Slack alerts
  • sentinel.log.SMSLogHandler - Log handler that KKR engineers can integrate into an environment specific log configuration for real time SMS alerts


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