Overview: Array is the most basic structure of computer science. Most operations as well as other data structures are built and performed on an array. In this project, you will make an application in order to explain three sorting algorithms on an array:
Bubble Sort
,Quick Sort
, andInsertion Sort
. -
Basic knowledge: Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, and Insertion Sort.
- GUI: You can freely design your own GUI. However, since the basic aim of the project is to develop an application based on OOP, focus on the interface is not required
- You can refer to these sources to have some ideas:
- On the main menu: title of the application, 3 types of Sort Algorithms for the user to choose, help, menu, and quit
- User must select a sort type in order to start the demonstration
- The help menu shows the basic usage and aim of the program
- Quit exits the program. Remember to ask for confirmation
- In the demonstration
- A button for creating the array: The user can choose to randomly create an array or input an array for the program
- A button for starting the algorithm with the created array. Remember to show clearly each step of the sorting
- A back button for the user to return to the main menu at any time
- On the main menu: title of the application, 3 types of Sort Algorithms for the user to choose, help, menu, and quit
Note: You MUST use the pure array for this project. If you use any Java implementations, you must design your own wrapper to show your OOP design in the project
Hints: In order to design this program with the OOP method, treat each sort type as a class – not an array. In this way, you will find there are some similarities between the sortings (input, functions, attributes, etc.)
Menu Screen
- Title of the Application
- 3 types of Sorting Algorithms to choose
- Help Button
- Quit Button (This is the Close button on the top-right)
Demonstration Screen
- A Button to Create a new Array
- User can Input from the keyboard
- A Button to Start Sorting
- A Back Button to Return to the main menu
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/_M5b8HzrfwE
Note: Our team develop this project on Visual Studio Code. So this instruction here is for VS Code. If you use another IDE, please references for another installation.
- Install JDK and SDK for JavaFX
- Use Visual Studio Code (Or an other IDE)
- Add all file
to the VS Code
How to install?
- Clone this project by command:
git clone https://github.com/dtruong46me/sorting-visualization.git
- Open this project on Visual Studio Code
- Edit the file:
- You can delete
folder - Create new
file by:Run->Add Configuration...
on the menu bar. - Then change the folder of SDK downloaded above. (You can refer here: https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/)
- You can delete
"type": "java",
"name": "Main",
"request": "launch",
"mainClass": "Main",
"projectName": "sorting-visualization_4b44adce",
"vmArgs": "--module-path \"<link_to_the_sdk_folder>/javafx-sdk-20.0.1/lib\" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
- Finally, Open
and Run.
I hope that you are will successfully install this project. If you have any troubles, contact me via dtruong46.me@gmail.com or truong.pd214937@sis.hust.edu.vn. I will help you to install and run this project.
Thank you!
- Nguyen Viet Trung- 20214934:
- DataController class
- QuickSort class
- Write report
- Powerpoint presentation
- Combine code
- Nguyen Trung Truc- 20214936
- InsertionSort class
- BubbleSort class
- Make demostration video
- Combine code
- Pham Quang Trung- 20214935:
- MenuScreenController
- DemonstrationController
- Combine code
- Phan Dinh Truong- 20214937
- MenuScreen.fxml
- Demonstration.fxml
- Handle Help Button
- Handle Quit Button
- This project based on: https://github.com/chriszq/VisualSortingAlgorithms