Write/run Kotlin code in blog posts, translate them into structured projects.
Literate Kotlin Usage 📘sample
- Any web page can contain many literates
- Literate is a piece of text and code
in languagelang
, default"kotlin"
- Started by
, terminated byclass="literateEnd"
- It can have one
, to make reference from another - It can have many
depend="a b c"
literate-id dependencies - It can be encapsulated by top-level literates (max-depth=1),
inner literate's
is ignored processing
Every literate will have a code area with "show code" button,
filtering its inner <code>
tags, joined together with ,
then final concatenated code is passed to something like dependencyTextJoin
to render code editor
<div class="literateBegin" id="VirtualFileSystemImpl" depend="FileInterface"></div>
<div class="literateBegin" id="FileInterface"></div> <!-- inner literate -->
# Abstraction for interacting with lower-level FS primitives
> Every `literateBegin .. literateEnd` section will create an "Kotlin code" area
> Code of inner literate is ignored, specify dependencies explicitly to create reference between every literate blocks
<div class="literateEnd"></div> <!-- inner literate end -->
# Implementing a VFS
<div class="literateEnd"></div> <!-- VFS literate end -->
<!-- Another top-level literate -->
<div class="literateBegin" depend="VirtualFileSystemImpl"></div>
# My Application using the VFS module
<div class="literateEnd"></div>
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies { implementation kotlin('stdlib-common') } }
in project root
## Literate Kotlin
`group:version:name` (lang)
+ [...](path-reference-1)
+ [...](path-reference-2)
+ ...
### Build Dependencies
package apples // (main, java)
package somepkg // (scope, sourceSet)
+ `depkind something` (main, java)
+ ...
### Build Script
> [settings.gradle](settings.gradle)
//code here
And for path references here, they can be either dir or single file
of dir
## Literate Kotlin
+ [...](path-reference-1)
+ [...](path-reference-2)
+ ...
any source markdown file
# ...
package ...
## ...
make sure package
declaration is appeared after <h1>
and before any header tag not <h1>
// (scope, sourceSet)
is supported for single file package
kotlinlit args
where args:
(-T_target) default "gradle"
(-t name(=value)?) many
(-d dir) default "build"
(-s dir) default "."
kotlinlit -Tgradle -t gradleVersion=4.1 -d build -s .
<script src="https://unpkg.com/kotlin-playground@1"></script>
<script async src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.3.6/require.js" data-main="https://duangsuse-valid-projects.github.io/LiterateKt/lkt.bundle.js"></script>
function configureLiterateKt(cfg) {
cfg.dependencyOrdered = true; // configure literate kotlin here
where cfg is structured like:
export const literateKtConfig = {
dependencyOrdered: false, // make true to let far dependency first
dependencyTextJoin: "",
language: {
kotlin: [withAttributes,
(e:Element) => schedule(literateKtMagics.KotlinPlaygroundGlobalId, e)]
playgroundDefaults: { // Kotlin Playground settings
"indent": 2,
"auto-indent": true,
"data-autocomplete": true,
"highlight-on-fly": true,
"match-brackets": true
texts: { // translations
_for: (id:string) => ` for ${id.bold()}`,
dependsOn: (deps: Array<string>) => ` depends on ${/**/}`,
expectingFor: (what:any, that:any) => `Expecting ${what} for ${that}`,
nounNounDesc: (noun0:string, noun1:string, desc:string) => `${noun0} ${noun1}${desc}`
should befalse
when there are circular dependencies in project
Extension: exported modules
in RequireJS/AMD form, use them likerequire("dom").withAttributes({ style: "color: red" })(e)
data class CompileUnit(val scope: String, val sourceSet: String, val name: String)
interface GenerateIntrinsic {
fun solvePath(src: CompileUnit): Path
fun generateProject(base: File)
interface LiterateKtPlugin<CFG> {
val name: String
fun readConfig(entry: Feed<Line>): CFG
fun create(cfg: CFG, properties: Map<String, String>): GenerateIntrinsic
- CI: Travis
- WebFrontend: TypeScript/RequireJS-AMD/WebPack
- WebPack config, entry-file:
- build script, entry: